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Impiety "Asateerul Awaleen" re-release

[Oct 29,2004 12:06pm - litacore ""]
this rocks my jammies, I'm siked for the next one

snag it if you can find it, or get it from Displeased in Holland:

http://www.dis-order.com :satancross:
[Oct 29,2004 1:19pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I got the reissue CD at DEATHTOBERFEST in NY last Saturday, it rules.

A friend of mine has the original digipak.


[Oct 29,2004 3:03pm - dreadkill ""]
awaleen is my favorite holiday! only 2 days away!
[Oct 29,2004 3:17pm - the_reverend ""]
impiety > everything

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