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Leukorrhea looking for shows....

[Oct 29,2004 1:45pm - nate ""]
Anyone have any open slots in November or December? We haven't played out in a while and are dying to do something!

e-mail me at leukorrhea666@hotmail.com
or call me @ 508.395.0802

And thanks in advance!
[Oct 29,2004 2:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Please help me build http://www.pathosproductions.com

[Oct 29,2004 2:14pm - Lincoln ""]

Get in touch with Liz...I'll bet she can help you guys.
[Oct 29,2004 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
there really needs to be an anoxia/goratory/leukorrhea/teratism/porphyria

[Oct 29,2004 2:36pm - nate ""]
that would be an awesome show....
[Oct 29,2004 3:47pm - Robdeadskin ""]
that would be the best show ever!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 29,2004 3:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
having life at zero on it would be sick as well!
[Oct 29,2004 4:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That should be a fucking tour!
[Oct 29,2004 4:55pm - nate ""]
John, e-mail me your # and we'll shoot the shit about the site.... leukorrhea666@hotmail.com
[Oct 29,2004 7:45pm - handinjury ""]
RustedAngel said:there really needs to be an anoxia/goratory/leukorrhea/teratism/porphyria


I was thinking the same thing w/ clitorture. 6 bands.:doublehorns:

[Nov 1,2004 1:03pm - nate ""]
bump for shows.....
[Nov 1,2004 2:56pm - Aegathgis nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:there really needs to be an anoxia/goratory/leukorrhea/teratism/porphyria


There just really needs to be a Leukorrhea show.

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