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i just turned off...

[Oct 31,2004 5:24pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
the pats game.
[Oct 31,2004 5:47pm - metalmatt666 ""]
[Oct 31,2004 7:26pm - JayTUS ""]
The Steelers only won because of stupid STUPID turnovers.

It doesn't help any that we had no Dillon, no Branch, no Poole, no Law and then no Light for the second half.

But seriously, you take away those turnovers, the Pats win. Oh well, we weren't going to win them all so maybe now Belechick will pull his thumbs out of his ass and figure shit out, because he has NOT been at his best this year, regardless of what the teams record may imply.
[Oct 31,2004 8:08pm - Abbath ""]
it's better that we lost now then in the playoffs, hopefully we can jump on the ball again, another tough game coming up
[Oct 31,2004 10:32pm - assuck ""]
i knew they wewre gonna lose tonight.
[Nov 1,2004 7:34am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
so did i
[Nov 1,2004 8:17am - the_reverend ""]
anyone want to touch my ass as I bend over? er.. I mean play football?
[Nov 1,2004 9:54am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
That game was horrable. I was watching it in a bar and I had to leave.
[Nov 1,2004 9:58am - Robdeadskin ""]
MOTHER FUCKIN STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!666

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