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attn bands that need drummers

[Nov 3,2004 6:07pm - succubus ""]
please post here if you are looking for a drummer

i know a few awesome ones and want to let them know

i can start with
~The Red Chord
[Nov 3,2004 6:19pm - lynch mobb  ""]
my band needs a drummer!
[Nov 3,2004 6:24pm - succubus ""]
seriously...list your band and an email

[Nov 3,2004 6:29pm - dreadkill ""]
good luck bands in need of drummers and thank carina for helping you.
[Nov 3,2004 6:35pm - Kalopsia ""]
New Jersey based death metal band, Kalopsia. mike@kalopsia.org
[Nov 3,2004 7:01pm - Hooker ""]
Random Acts of Violence
[Nov 3,2004 7:11pm - infuscation ""]
Ex Phantom Limb: infuscation@yahoo.com
[Nov 3,2004 7:22pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
Dave Minutes Jim does email davidm@5minuteshate.com
[Nov 3,2004 8:11pm - Aegathis ""]
Coffin Birth possibly, Aegathis@yahoo.com
[Nov 3,2004 9:40pm - lynch mobb  ""]
metalized hardcore band in the vein of all out war-XunhealX@aol.com
[Nov 3,2004 9:45pm - Hooker ""]
a crap.

[Nov 3,2004 9:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Knife Invades Throat x Aganihm and Killgrip
we're punk kids that play black metal and grind

[Nov 3,2004 10:07pm - RichHorror ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror needs a drummer. Retardedly fast hardcore-punk/sludge. humanity_is_purged@hotmail.com
[Nov 4,2004 9:59am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i wish i could play my drums better.............................
[Nov 4,2004 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
mike@kalopsia.org doesn't work for me...
[Nov 4,2004 12:25pm - BUSHSWALLOWS  ""]
[Nov 4,2004 12:26pm - BUSHSWALLOWS  ""]
macabre1285@yahoo.com we are from worcester and our drummer is a dick.
[Nov 4,2004 12:29pm - Lincoln ""]
Shit I can't believe how many bands have lost drummers!! Are they all going on strike?
[Nov 4,2004 12:35pm - Siberia ""]
Every band I've ever been in has broken up because of the drummer???


ex-5minuteshate guitar, bass, vocals...........
[Nov 4,2004 12:40pm - Lincoln ""]
Siberia said:Every band I've ever been in has broken up because of the drummer???


ex-5minuteshate guitar, bass, vocals...........

Yeah each time we start a new band it's always because the drummer left. This has happened to us 3 or so times now.....
[Nov 4,2004 12:54pm - Siberia ""]
I hear that Lincoln, this is my fourth time. Although, the first time, I was the drummer, but our guitarist at the time couldn't get along with any singers so after the 6th singer in 4 months, I'd had enough and was offered a spot in a band playing guitar which is my preference.
[Nov 4,2004 2:29pm - succubus ""]
i'm serious...i am going to print this out and give it to them ..

so please reply if this applies to you

[Nov 4,2004 2:37pm - Josh_Martin ""]
We're on drummer #3. Every other member is original.

My old band had a drummer get in a fight with the singer, quit, come back, get in another fight with singer, quit again, come back again, get in third fight with singer, and quit again.

[Nov 4,2004 2:42pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i just need a band i can quit..................
[Nov 4,2004 2:48pm - aegathis ""]
Aegathis said:Coffin Birth possibly, Aegathis@yahoo.com

The best way to describe our sound is a blend of bands like Hate eternal and Nile , with bands like Dissection, Marduk and Mayhem etc.
[Nov 5,2004 7:47am - niccolai ""]
Rohis. Sounds like dead blue sky, hamartia, and at the gates. no email, but my aim thingeh is xedora.
[Nov 5,2004 8:17am - Siberia ""]
Josh_hates_you said:i just need a band i can quit..................

You should move up here to VT, we're ready to have another drummer quit on us, we're actually starting to get used to it.
[Nov 5,2004 9:11am - litacore ""]
this will be Neverending Thread of Death, Jr. (or the III if we keep making fun of Wretched Asylum)

here's us, and never-ending hugs to succubus (that rhymes, uh-oh)
Dirae = blastbeats and double bass. Black/death metal emphasis with the odd power/viking metal interlude


I expect a line around the block. :op
[Nov 10,2004 5:13pm - succubus ""]
[Nov 10,2004 5:17pm - Hooker ""]
wait a second... what's this about? Who's getting a print out?
[Nov 10,2004 5:21pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
aegathis said:Aegathis said:Coffin Birth possibly, Aegathis@yahoo.com

The best way to describe our sound is a blend of bands like Hate eternal and Nile , with bands like Dissection, Marduk and Mayhem etc.

hey aegathis, if you are in need of a drummer, i live in eastham and i believe you live in the dennis area?
if you dont need light speed double kicker skills i would be interested
other than that i think im pretty good

i play in valhalla now but i am sensing our time is coming to an end at some point in the future
[Nov 10,2004 5:28pm - pat_odea ""]
I think The Red Chord might be all set. Found Dead Hanging is looking though. Check Lambgoat for info.
[Nov 10,2004 6:56pm - Aegathis ""]
Josiah_the_Black said:aegathis said:Aegathis said:Coffin Birth possibly, Aegathis@yahoo.com

The best way to describe our sound is a blend of bands like Hate eternal and Nile , with bands like Dissection, Marduk and Mayhem etc.

hey aegathis, if you are in need of a drummer, i live in eastham and i believe you live in the dennis area?
if you dont need light speed double kicker skills i would be interested
other than that i think im pretty good

i play in valhalla now but i am sensing our time is coming to an end at some point in the future

I live in Sandwich , and yea I do need some one that can do light speed double kicks, as well as blast beats. Well maybe not Light speed, but pretty fast.
[Nov 10,2004 9:54pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
hey if you wanna hear some of our stuff go here http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/valhallaus.htm

i can blast

im not like tony laureano double kicker or anything but its pretty fast

i dunno, tell me what you think
[Nov 10,2004 11:38pm - damnose ""]
yes we need a drummer faster than a flying goat's head

in case you missed it:

Dirae = double bass, blast beats thrash black death etc. etc.

[Nov 11,2004 9:13am - HANDINJURY ""]
litacore said:this will be Neverending Thread of Death, Jr. (or the III if we keep making fun of Wretched Asylum)

here's us, and never-ending hugs to succubus (that rhymes, uh-oh)
Dirae = blastbeats and double bass. Black/death metal emphasis with the odd power/viking metal interlude


I expect a line around the block. :op

Litacore, you wouldnt have any of the material recorded, would ya?
Like just the guitars and bass.
[Nov 11,2004 9:22am - PaganMegan ""]
handinjury, you asked litacore but Im in Dirae too....
We have old stuff recorded, guitars bass, and vocals, but we can easily record new stuff on a four track

Yeah, I'd describe us as thrash black death with power moments
[Nov 11,2004 9:32am - HANDINJURY ""]
PaganMegan said:handinjury, you asked litacore but Im in Dirae too....
We have old stuff recorded, guitars bass, and vocals, but we can easily record new stuff on a four track

Yeah, I'd describe us as thrash black death with power moments

yeah, if you recorded the instruments(to a metronome or click track-for keeping time purposes) w/ a 1-2-3-4 in the beginning, i could see what i could put on it. Do you have a way of getting it on a cd or wav or MP3 file, then i dump into prostools.

PeganMegan, were you the small blonde chick w/ glasses at the middle east show about 3 weeks ago.
[Nov 11,2004 9:35am - PaganMegan ""]
I am small and blonde but I do not wear glasses. No sexy librarian look for me. Which middle east show? the akercocke and mortician thing?

I think we could arrange this mp3 thing
[Nov 11,2004 9:36am - PaganMegan ""]
Jason what is the meaning of damnose anyway
[Nov 11,2004 9:38am - PaganMegan ""]
Handinjury it might be easier to send you a CD .... or better yet you could come to Brighton with your drums and go from there
[Nov 11,2004 9:38am - HANDINJURY ""]
PaganMegan said:I am small and blonde but I do not wear glasses. No sexy librarian look for me. Which middle east show? the akercocke and mortician thing?

I think we could arrange this mp3 thing

Yes zacklys!:NEWHORNS:
[Nov 11,2004 12:05pm - damnose ""]
my nose has had quite the life; it's been broken three times. The most memorable was when I squeezed myself into a garbage can and rolled down a hill (as a birthday present to a friend... don't ask), and when I got to the bottom I was dizzy and quite bloodied, but laughing so it's all ok.

since then (I was 15 I think) my friends called me "damn nose" and it just kinda stuck
[Nov 11,2004 12:10pm - damnose ""]

I also happen to be in Dirae (can you tell we really need a drummer?), and I have some songs in MIDI format. yes, MIDI! It's through a program called PowerTab, but if you have a PC it's a very quick download and pretty easy to use.

I only have the basslines to songs down so far, but that would give you a pretty good idea of what's going on rhythmically. Or, as Meg said, you could just come to Brighton.

send me an email if you want to hear: gorillagorillagorilla@gmail.com
[Nov 11,2004 12:12pm - PaganMegan ""]
wow thats quite the story.. down a hill in a garbage can. What a touching birthday present to give someone, the bloody nose part is excellent.
[Nov 11,2004 12:12pm - HANDINJURY ""]
PaganMegan said:Handinjury it might be easier to send you a CD .... or better yet you could come to Brighton with your drums and go from there

Yeah, well i dont wanta break down my kit(hahhahah), cause its too f'n big. Im a lil rusty cause i havent been playing much latelly, with the handinjurys and all, but i could put some drums on a song or two, then give it to you on cd, and you could use as a referance to find a drummer. I allready have a gig with anoxia, so the drums is kinda like'a side thing.
[Nov 11,2004 12:16pm - PaganMegan ""]
oh. well thats cool. ehhhhh refer other drummers to us, if you know anyone pagan666leo@yahoo.com
[Nov 11,2004 12:27pm - damnose ""]
yeah, bloody nose garbage can lighting your ass on fire stuff seems to happen a lot when you grow up in suburbia/middle of nowhere, as I'm sure you know all too well. At least we weren't doing drugs (yet)!
[Nov 11,2004 12:30pm - PaganMegan ""]
middle of nowhere/ suburbia= dumb kid falling out of trees. Then, a few years later smoking trees
[Nov 11,2004 12:50pm - damnose ""]
bands in need of drummers, look no further! this man will answer all your prayers:

He can hold an extra pair of sticks with his manboobs!!!
[Feb 19,2005 10:52pm - drawingdead ""]
Drawing Dead
[Feb 19,2005 11:06pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Scoracrasia from Cape Cod (Barnstable area) needs permanent drummer. byro33@comcast.net
Death metal/Goregrind
[Feb 19,2005 11:44pm - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
I'm a drummer looking for a band... I thought the red chord found a drummer?
[Feb 20,2005 1:05am - reuben ""]
OCEAN is still trying out drummers, must be in or around MAINE, serious and willing to tour reubenjlittle@hotmail.com
[Feb 20,2005 1:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]
im a drummer and i suck at my instrument as well as life.
[Feb 20,2005 2:48am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i will easily sell any band my husband...
[Feb 20,2005 8:47am - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
Again... I'm a drummer, without band.
[Feb 20,2005 8:49am - Scoracrasia ""]
DEATH2ALL NLI said:Again... I'm a drummer, without band.

Where are you from?
[Feb 20,2005 9:06am - succubus ""]
DEATH2ALL NLI said:I'm a drummer looking for a band... I thought the red chord found a drummer?

yep..someone bumped an old thread i made
[Feb 20,2005 10:27am - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
From Marlborough. Your on s. shore, right?
[Feb 20,2005 10:54am - Scoracrasia ""]
I am on the Cape. Pretty far from marlborough. My brother lives up that way in Stow, but that doesn't help us. Damn....

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