If you are truly upset that Bush won....[views:9491][posts:44]______________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:35pm - hoser ""] This website may help you in your despair. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=manly_suicide |
_____________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:36pm - toc ""] http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/11/02/ballot.samesex.marriage/index.html I am more upset about this piece of garbage I found resting on cnn.com bah |
______________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:42pm - hoser ""] TOC, I think it's because gays will get taxbreaks or something. I really don't care though (refer to other conservative post.) Hey, more hot babes to go around, more hot, wet slice for me. I'm cool with more hot, wet slice. |
_________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:45pm - powerkok ""] HAHHAAHHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I am fucking laughing my KOK off. hot wet slice....HAHABABABAHAHAHAHAHA |
_________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:47pm - powerkok ""] toc...seriously, I disagree with the gays bcuz of the kids. kids should have a mom and dad not a dad and dad. picture that old show from the 80's/90's 'my 2 dads' Only they buttfuck. |
_______________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 9:47pm - My_Dying_Bride ""] If you are truly upset that Bush won.... i'll buy you a milkshake |
___________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 11:28pm - dreadkill ""] powerkok said:toc...seriously, I disagree with the gays bcuz of the kids. kids should have a mom and dad not a dad and dad. picture that old show from the 80's/90's 'my 2 dads' Only they buttfuck. ha |
___________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 11:29pm - dreadkill ""] the guy with the beard was way cooler than paul reiser. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 11:33pm - WyrmFingerz ""] dude, i worked the polls for the GOP, can you buy me a milkshake? :D |
__________________________________________ [Nov 3,2004 11:55pm - Billy Bitchtits ""] I think that because Mr. Bush got re elected there will be many more americans dying in Iraq. Over 2 billion dollars spent on a country(Iraq) we should not give a fuck about and billions in foreign aid to Israeli swine. The Arabs (we're supposedly helping) hate us even more than ever because they live in a pile of rubble (thanx to USA) . US war veterans are homeless while we spend billions on arabs and jews. I just don't understand anything anymore... |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:36am - tbone_r ""] i think the most important part of this election is the fact that this president is going to get to put some supreme court justices in power. The last think america needs is another conservative in the supreme court trying to rip apart the constitution and deny us our rights. |
_____________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:12am - nick ""] [img] |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:22am - powerkok ""] haha nice find nick! |
________________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 2:26am - the philospher ""] there better be no draft |
____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 9:15am - Josh_Martin ""] tbone_r said:i think the most important part of this election is the fact that this president is going to get to put some supreme court justices in power. The last think america needs is another conservative in the supreme court trying to rip apart the constitution and deny us our rights. Just pray the good one's hang in there another 4 years. If they don't everyone who voted for Bush thinking "Roe v Wade will NEVER be overturned" is gonna feel real fucking stupid. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 10:30am - RustedAngel ""] powerkok said:toc...seriously, I disagree with the gays bcuz of the kids. kids should have a mom and dad not a dad and dad. picture that old show from the 80's/90's 'my 2 dads' Only they buttfuck. yeah, I, personally wouldn't want to grow up with two dads, or two moms... BUT, my friend is a family studies major at UNH and she tells me that same sex couples are perfectly capable of raising a good/healthy child just as any man/woman couples. Think about how many fucked up male/female couples there are now and how some of their children turn out...I can't see how same sex couples would be any worse. Who knows maybe they'd get along better thus providing a better environment for children to grow up in. Men understand Men better, as do females to females so maybe there would be less arguments, and all that domestic bullshit. |
_________________________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 10:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] regardless of what people think of gays, though, the entire subject has NO place in the constitution. this document was made to preserve rights and make sure that anyone, no matter how fucking lame or stupid we think they are, would be treated equally. It was written by people that were tired of being kicked around for being different. the constitution does NOT establish tax law. the constitution does NOT establish morality. what it does it help provide guidelines of "checks and balances" against the judicial system and the federal government to PREVENT autocratic power. that said, if we edit it and put in things that have no place being in it, what happens next? what prevents free reign of a federal system? if you don't like gay marriage, don't have one. if you think they'll provide tax breaks to the wrong people, you are 100% welcome to think that...write to your senators and fellow congressional folk. It is OK to say you don't want gay marriage because you don't want those tax breaks flying around and have your STATE government create prohibition to it. But changing a NATIONAL, FEDERAL document to BAN it BEYOND all judicial sanctity? Now that, my friend, is just god damn, 100% bigotry. that's fag haters using total abuse of power to show off their homophobia. You don't like gays? Send em out of your state, fine. But telling the WHOLE country that it is "Un-consitutional" goes AGAINST the constitution to say; that limits our freedoms as Americans. Accepting differences and learning to embrace things that other people shy away from is what this country's about. It's what it was founded on. When we make strides to push out the different, we open up ourselves to more hate and obstruction. Think about it...considering the nature of this amendment, adding this type of thing will open the door to...what else? What other things can we go and do that would fit nicely in there? Maybe ban blacks from ever becoming citizens again? Maybe stop the jews from voting? Let's be realistic on this. It's also true that if you allow for gay marriage that - and I know this is shocking - the federal government could simply LIMIT, REDUCE, or OVERRIDE the tax breaks of these marriages (they do it in France -- so it CAN and HAS been done). You see what I'm saying? There's other options, and I know everyone sees this -- it's clear as day. People are just homophobic, and THAT is gay. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 11:49am - RustedAngel ""] [img] |
______________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 11:58am - the_reverend ""] [img] |
__________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:39pm - powerkok ""] I agree that gays are capable of bringing up good kids...but, two parents of the same sex, still falls short in the diversity of a family structure. with two different genders in a family, kids can learn the qualities of both genders in this world, instead of being exposed to just one side of it. Of course its idealistic, but I think in this day and age, thats not so wrong. But thats just for respectable people...as for all the other pieces of shit, they should not breed, and probably just be chemically castrated. In fact, maybe they should make a law that says, yes you can marry, and adopt, but you must castrate yourself so your gay genes will not be passed along, even in a test tube. |
_______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:43pm - dan. ""] yeah, that made alot of sense. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:47pm - Josh_Martin ""] powerkok said:I agree that gays are capable of bringing up good kids...but, two parents of the same sex, still falls short in the diversity of a family structure. with two different genders in a family, kids can learn the qualities of both genders in this world, instead of being exposed to just one side of it. Of course its idealistic, but I think in this day and age, thats not so wrong. But thats just for respectable people...as for all the other pieces of shit, they should not breed, and probably just be chemically castrated. In fact, maybe they should make a law that says, yes you can marry, and adopt, but you must castrate yourself so your gay genes will not be passed along, even in a test tube. Holy shit, no wonder you voted for Bush. Can you back any of that up with science? Your uninformed opinion isn't really worth anything. |
______________________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:47pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli ""] Watch out or we might all catch GAY |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:49pm - Josh_Martin ""] I caught gay at a Dillenger Escape Plan show once. I sent $500 to Pat Robertson and I was cured. |
_______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:50pm - hoser ""] tbone_r said:i think the most important part of this election is the fact that this president is going to get to put some supreme court justices in power. The last think america needs is another conservative in the supreme court trying to rip apart the constitution and deny us our rights. A conservative ripping apart the Constitution?! What are you fucking stoned?! It's the Dems that systematically try to tear apart the Constitution, bud. Ever read anything about the Dems trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment? Wow...get your facts straight before you bash. |
______________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:50pm - the_reverend ""] "two different water fountains just means shorter lines for everyone!" |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 12:58pm - Josh_Martin ""] hoser said:tbone_r said:i think the most important part of this election is the fact that this president is going to get to put some supreme court justices in power. The last think america needs is another conservative in the supreme court trying to rip apart the constitution and deny us our rights. A conservative ripping apart the Constitution?! What are you fucking stoned?! It's the Dems that systematically try to tear apart the Constitution, bud. Ever read anything about the Dems trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment? Wow...get your facts straight before you bash. Holy fuck, Bush voters are dumb, or just blind. Conservatives have gone after freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, just about every right EXCEPT the 2nd ammendment. Fer fucks's sake, do you EVER read a newspaper? |
______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:00pm - dan. ""] tell me about the dems trying to abolish the 2nd amendment...no, i havent read anything. |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:12pm - powerkok ""] Josh_Martin said:powerkok said:I agree that gays are capable of bringing up good kids...but, two parents of the same sex, still falls short in the diversity of a family structure. with two different genders in a family, kids can learn the qualities of both genders in this world, instead of being exposed to just one side of it. Of course its idealistic, but I think in this day and age, thats not so wrong. But thats just for respectable people...as for all the other pieces of shit, they should not breed, and probably just be chemically castrated. In fact, maybe they should make a law that says, yes you can marry, and adopt, but you must castrate yourself so your gay genes will not be passed along, even in a test tube. Holy shit, no wonder you voted for Bush. Can you back any of that up with science? Your uninformed opinion isn't really worth anything. I wont have to. You'll see for yourself someday. |
______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:16pm - dan. ""] see what someday? the amount of single mothers raising kids when abortion is outlawed? the amount of kids who grow up unloved, unwanted and in poverty as a result? and the way they raise their kids. yup, im sure well see that. what will we see from 2 loving parents raising their kids to respect other people based on their worth as a human being and not 'what they are'? i dont know. youll have to see for yourself someday. |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:19pm - powerkok ""] ahh I was talkin to joshs post....forgot to quote...oops. |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:20pm - powerkok ""] wait...no I didnt.!! hahaha |
______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:20pm - dan. ""] i also think its funny that the guitarist of hand choke neck is commenting on the lack of morality someone might have. whatever though i still think your band is fucking awesome. |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:21pm - powerkok ""] No, we will see a Huge gay rainbow of light, and everybody will be enlightened, and euphoric. |
______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:24pm - dan. ""] halford |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:28pm - powerkok ""] dan. said:i also think its funny that the guitarist of hand choke neck is commenting on the lack of morality someone might have. whatever though i still think your band is fucking awesome. I dunno what you mean, cuz when you know us, we are really a very moral bunch of guys, my band is some of the most respectable people that I know. And Im not just saying it cuz theyre my band, either, I really dont know many people in metal bands that are more Dr. Huxtable! hahaha. In fact, our drummer Matt, is practically a community activist, the amount of time he and steve spend helping people, including Retards and children. But, I'm wicked glad you like the HCN!:NEWHORNS: |
__________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 1:36pm - Jellyfish ""] powerkok said:toc...seriously, I disagree with the gays bcuz of the kids. kids should have a mom and dad not a dad and dad. picture that old show from the 80's/90's 'my 2 dads' Only they buttfuck. i guess it depends on parents. i work with two sets of parents, one being ghey and the other being straight, and the child with the ghey parents definetly has been brought up better than that of the straight. I dont really care if its legal or not but i guess anyone should be able to marry who they want. |
____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 2:30pm - Josh_Martin ""] You don't see too many gay people living in trailer parks, fighting over who lost the meth pipe so loudly the cops get called. Every straight couple like that I see on COPS always has half naked kids running around in the background. While I do think you should need a license to breed, I don't think who you like to fuck should be a factor in getting one. |
________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 4:03pm - tbone_r ""] hoser said-"A conservative ripping apart the Constitution?! What are you fucking stoned?! It's the Dems that systematically try to tear apart the Constitution, bud. Ever read anything about the Dems trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment? Wow...get your facts straight before you bash" you're right about the 2nd amendment. but i would recommend to you that you do some research on the history of the 4th amendment. while democrats may push to get the 2nd taken out, the conservatives HAVE ripped apart the 4th. and the 4th is much more important than the 2nd. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 4:10pm - swamplorddvm ""] Are you telling people who don't like bush to kill themselves? |
______________________________ [Nov 4,2004 4:14pm - dan. ""] he's right? ive never read anything. please show me an article where there has been a realistic push by high ranking democrats to ABOLISH the second amendment |
________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 5:32pm - tbone_r ""] 'right' as in a)i know some democrats are against it b)i dont want to argue the 2nd because it wasn't the point of my initial argument. |
____________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 5:39pm - Josh_Martin ""] Come to think of it, wasn't James Brady a republican? He was all for guns until he got shot next to Regan. I bet most people who voted for Bush because of the gun issue don't even remember the Brady Bill. You have a republican to thank for making the biggest gun control push this country ever saw. (and before anyone argues with me, I am 100% pro-second ammendment. I don't want the Bush administration to be the only ones with guns) |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 5:46pm - powerkok ""] yes I remember Brady. His law was just the 7 day wait on handguns. That law has been gone for years, in NH. |
_________________________________ [Nov 4,2004 8:29pm - niccolai ""] I'm all for background checks and safety devices, what does it hurt? sure, theres no possotive moral reason for anyone to have a semi automatic weapon or fully automatic, so I don't see what it hurts. you don't need to turn anyone into swiss cheese for self defense purposes. 7 day wait. Trash. |