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I'm eating coconut ginger squash soup

[Nov 5,2004 2:50pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
i made it , and it is good.
[Nov 5,2004 4:14pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
who likes soup anyone

im bored off my ass and cold
[Nov 5,2004 4:15pm - dan.  ""]
maybe you should give yourself a soup enema, that should warm you up
[Nov 5,2004 4:18pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
that would be great i bet the ginger would do wonders for my colon
[Nov 5,2004 4:38pm - Robdeadskin ""]
its colon!!!
[Nov 5,2004 4:40pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
yeah that is what i wrote
[Nov 5,2004 4:43pm - whoremastery ""]
haha you edited fucker...nice try
[Nov 5,2004 5:24pm - anonymous  ""]
well hello Mr. Fancy pants.
[Nov 5,2004 5:29pm - armageddonday ""]
DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI said:i made it , and it is good.

Sounds good to me...recipe?
[Nov 5,2004 10:14pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
haah yeah i edited ahaha armman you want a recipe i can hook you up, i dotn use recipies just to let you know but i can give you a basic idea
[Nov 6,2004 8:36am - korpse-l- ""]
sounds nasty. eyehatesoup. i like real food.

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