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so i'm bored and about to trip mushrooms

[Nov 5,2004 9:12pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
[Nov 5,2004 9:32pm - HELLBEASTMASTER  ""]
haha, me to actually
[Nov 5,2004 9:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm i want some
[Nov 5,2004 10:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
wow, sounds kewl guyz.
[Nov 5,2004 11:04pm - DNEIRFLRIGRUOYDELIANI ""]
i would smoke weed right now im soo bored, I havn't smoked weed scince 1997
[Nov 6,2004 9:22am - The_ExhumeD ""]
[Nov 6,2004 11:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Nov 6,2004 11:48am - the_reverend ""]
hippies have hair hipples.
now that, is alliteration!
[Nov 7,2004 3:58pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
good times. they weren't very strong i only tripped for like 4 hours. i just listened to isis panopticon 4 or 5 times and fell asleep.
[Nov 7,2004 4:36pm - Jellyfish ""]
mushrooms are nothing compared to tabs.
[Nov 7,2004 5:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pffft lies, you haven't tried good shroom tea then
[Nov 8,2004 3:17am - attendmyrequiem ""]
i just threw mine on some pizza. yummy
[Nov 8,2004 9:36am - p  ""]
Jellyfish said:mushrooms are nothing compared to tabs.

that's clearly bullshit.
[Nov 8,2004 12:44pm - xjohnvanveenx  ""]
dam you ive been looking for shrooms for months now if you know anyone selling aim me xjohnvanveenx
and tabs are impossible to find sence like 95
[Nov 8,2004 1:31pm - Christraper ""]
Shrooms kick the living shit out of acid. The high is better both physically and mentally, visuals are better and you dont feel like ass the next morning. I am desparate for some shrooms right now. If anyone can aid me in my quest id greatly appreciate it.
[Nov 8,2004 1:36pm - the_reverend ""]
in 95 subway used to deliever them.
no joke.
[Nov 9,2004 12:02pm - Jellyfish ""]
Christraper said:Shrooms kick the living shit out of acid. The high is better both physically and mentally, visuals are better and you dont feel like ass the next morning. I am desparate for some shrooms right now. If anyone can aid me in my quest id greatly appreciate it.

I dont know man. I think acid is way better mentally, though youre right about body trips. Caps are way more expensive too.
[Nov 9,2004 1:03pm - blue ""]
[Nov 9,2004 1:18pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
personally i have had more fun on crazy acid trips. but i used to enjoy both equaly. i dont do hallucinagens anymore.
[Nov 9,2004 7:00pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:in 95 subway used to deliever them.
no joke.

[Nov 10,2004 10:57am - jesus ""]
i can help you guys out in a couple weeks,
i'm startin up another harvest soon.
growin some hawaiian cubensis shrooms, pretty damn strong

[Nov 10,2004 11:06am - Christraper ""]
jesus said:i can help you guys out in a couple weeks,
i'm startin up another harvest soon.
growin some hawaiian cubensis shrooms, pretty damn strong

i am very interested.......
[Nov 11,2004 2:04pm - xjohnvanveenx  ""]
im intrested 2 shoot me a email johnvanveen69@hotmail.com or aim xjohnvanveenx
unless your a cop then im not haha
[Nov 11,2004 2:51pm - damnose ""]
hooray for panopticon! awesome album, imagine it would be fun on shrooms
[Nov 11,2004 3:27pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I'm not even into shrooms so i don't know why the hell i'm reading this shit
[Nov 11,2004 3:46pm - PaganMegan ""]
if you twist your spine enough will it release previously done acid that remains in your system?

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