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****GUITARISTS: boss cs-3 or mxr dyna comp????****

[Nov 6,2004 8:11pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
does anyone use a compressor? i hear theyre good for leads and shredding, and to help get the harmonics out.

has anyone played through either a boss cs-3 or an mxr dyna comp? or any compressor at all?
[Nov 6,2004 9:55pm - Aegathis at Girlfriend's house  ""]
I have a compressor that Ive been using quite a bit latly. As soon as it builds up to 120 psi it kicks off. Its blowout season for the sprinkler people.
(P.s. some guys make a living off of Blowing out peoples sprinkler systems )
[Nov 7,2004 4:03am - Kalopsia ""]
go to guitar center to try them both out.

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