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The Polemic

[Nov 7,2004 11:04pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
The Polemic just released a new song that me, Devin Charette, and my friend Devon Dame engineered. I mixed it. It's Track 03, go check it out.

[Nov 7,2004 11:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
best thing out of CT since tawdry, scenester sluts!!!!
[Nov 7,2004 11:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
the drums need to go WAY UP in the beginning...they are really really really low when the distortion is on...at least the snare and kick. The cymbals cut through. Towards the end they get louder, but in the beginning you can't really hear them.

there is some guitar noise in the beginning that could be taken out. and at the end, I think.

other than that, the tones are good. the vocals are placed fairly well.
[Nov 7,2004 11:18pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
the shit i did with Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost should be up soon. And I'm also recording Colin of Arabia.
[Nov 7,2004 11:24pm - Josh_hates_you ""]

vox too high in the first part. cant hear the drums half of the time unless the guitars have stopped or play softly with no distortion. i hear cymbals....... pay more attention to the EQ in the mix and make more room for everything to come through.

but im a dickhead so dont listen to me.

[Nov 7,2004 11:38pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
this wasn't even the final mix that i gave them... which i just noticed. pure volume doesn't like me that well.

there are some things i could have done better, but with a limited time schedule you can't make anything perfect.
[Nov 7,2004 11:52pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
attendmyrequiem said:
there are some things i could have done better

could have, would have, should have..............DIDN'T

[Nov 7,2004 11:52pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
Josh_hates_you said:
but im a dickhead so dont listen to me.

[Nov 8,2004 1:36am - joshuact  ""]
devin, i fixed the mistake, the one up should be the right one now.

if it's not for some reason, i'm going to go jump out my window!
[Nov 8,2004 2:21am - attendmyrequiem ""]
joshuact said:devin, i fixed the mistake, the one up should be the right one now.

if it's not for some reason, i'm going to go jump out my window!

will you still jump out you're window if it does work and have someone take pictures for me? hahaha

[Nov 9,2004 3:20am - joshuact  ""]
sure why not!
[Nov 9,2004 11:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
The Polemic owns your skull

More Polemic info:

From -- Cromwell, CT

Features --

Donovan (ex-Newandyke) - guitar
Josh - vocals
Jeff - drums

Interesting Factoids:

--The Polemic is known for going berzerk during live shows. I've seen Josh and Donovan dive over the drum kit twice to tackle Jeff.

--Jeff once showed us his balls and cock at a chinese food restaurant parking lot in CT. This was not by request.

--Donovan plays through a PA head plugged into his cabinet. He seems to like the sound more.

--Jeff is a TA at a college in RI.

--Josh goes to UConn and organizes many of the shows there. Check out his site www.uconnshows.cjb.net

--Up until recently, all of the polemic merchandise was spray paint on cloth. Only now do they have merch with silk-screening on it.

This is all for now. I believe they also have a myspace account.
[Nov 9,2004 4:12pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
--Josh is partially def
--Josh can scream louder than any other motherfucker I've met

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