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[Nov 8,2004 3:31pm - metalmatt666 ""]
I have been very very depressed lately I cant stop thinking about death I know this sounds stupid but i feel the urge to end my life and if/when i decide to do it I'm not going to fuck around or anything I'm just going to do it I know where the fucking gun is And i will blow my head off but then I think of what people will say and lots of people have told me they would be pissed at me for doing it And i am far too caring a person to hurt them like that But at the same time I cant help but want to rid myself of this goddamn world I don't know why I wrote this but it hust felt good to say something:gun:
[Nov 8,2004 3:33pm - Christraper ""]
i think weve all been there dude. smoke some pot and go to sleep.
[Nov 8,2004 3:35pm - Lincoln ""]
Yeah seriously. No reason to end it no matter how bad you feel...theres always another day....yeah smoke some good buds and take a nap.
[Nov 8,2004 3:39pm - succubus ""]
ugh please no....

this girl who used to post on another message board that i posted on...amde some depressed posts....not as blunt as you...but anyhow...

she ended up killing herself and the board ended up finding out and stuff...her dad i think ended up..bleh nevermind...

[Nov 8,2004 3:45pm - dugoxistance  ""]
put it on a camera phone.
[Nov 8,2004 3:49pm - Christraper ""]
naw i know how he feels. i get some pretty stupid ideas every once in awhile and am never quite sure who to talk to about it. you dont want to worry your family and your friends either wont take it seriously or you know they just wont want to hear about it anyways. serously, a boll pack of good pot and a nap will do wonders. or you could just do what i always do which is find a girl. girls make it all go away untill they drive you crazy or leave you for another guy. and then youre back to smoking pot and taking frequent naps.
[Nov 8,2004 3:50pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. you can always move far away where nobody knows you, re-establish yourself and then there is always marijuana and pornography to heal.
[Nov 8,2004 3:54pm - the_reverend ""]
reason's not to kill ones self
1) you poop yourself
2) just think of all that spam and who's going to get it?
[Nov 8,2004 3:54pm - Lincoln ""]
Christraper said:naw i know how he feels. i get some pretty stupid ideas every once in awhile and am never quite sure who to talk to about it. you dont want to worry your family and your friends either wont take it seriously or you know they just wont want to hear about it anyways. serously, a boll pack of good pot and a nap will do wonders. or you could just do what i always do which is find a girl. girls make it all go away untill they drive you crazy or leave you for another guy. and then youre back to smoking pot and taking frequent naps.

Sorry bro girls can have an adverse effect on that too. They just drive you crazy....don't talk to girls about it....unless their friends.
[Nov 8,2004 3:55pm - Lincoln ""]
Or just smoke ton's of weed and laugh your ass off at it all!!!
[Nov 8,2004 3:57pm - dreadkill ""]
GoatCatalyst said:suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

well said.

i have been depressed alot too, throughout my life. once i get medical insurance again, i am going to try to get on some medication and see if it helps. i think it is a chemical thing. maybe it is with metalmatt too. seeking medical help might be something you would want to check out. good luck dude.
[Nov 8,2004 3:59pm - Christraper ""]
Lincoln said:Sorry bro girls can have an adverse effect on that too. They just drive you crazy....don't talk to girls about it....unless their friends.

I didnt mean find a girl to TALK to!!! Good God man what are you thinking???? No for the love of all you hold sacred dont talk to them about your problems!! Theyll only try to solve them for you and when they cant theyll drive you fucking nuts because theyll constantly think youre depressed because of them.
[Nov 8,2004 4:01pm - Lincoln ""]
Christraper said:Lincoln said:Sorry bro girls can have an adverse effect on that too. They just drive you crazy....don't talk to girls about it....unless their friends.

I didnt mean find a girl to TALK to!!! Good God man what are you thinking???? No for the love of all you hold sacred dont talk to them about your problems!! Theyll only try to solve them for you and when they cant theyll drive you fucking nuts because theyll constantly think youre depressed because of them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I guess that was my problem all along....HAHAHAHAHA!!
[Nov 8,2004 4:08pm - Lincoln ""]
I don't think we're helping this guy out though. Stick it out MetalMatt666...whatever it is can only get better. Trust us.
[Nov 8,2004 4:12pm - dan.  ""]
whatever. kill yourself. nothing matters. 666
[Nov 8,2004 4:14pm - metalmatt666 ""]
Well i'll Try my best I guess That's all anyone can do
[Nov 8,2004 4:15pm - Paul cnv  ""]
dan. said:whatever. kill yourself. nothing matters. 666

That's so black metal!!! :satancross: Fun fact: Sweden has a high percentage of Suicide, Alcoholism, and loose women...
[Nov 8,2004 4:20pm - dan.  ""]
sodomizer :satancross:
[Nov 8,2004 4:25pm - Lincoln ""]
metalmatt666 said:Well i'll Try my best I guess That's all anyone can do

Trust me...if you are indeed serious...I'm not doubting that...but everyone on this board has been where you have been and possibly worse. You rise above and grab life by the balls. Sounds cliche but it's true..thats the only way you will get through anything.
[Nov 8,2004 4:26pm - Paul cnv  ""]
:swedenflag: Sweden: Come for the women, stay for the booze, and kill yourself for black metal!!!:swedenflag:
[Nov 8,2004 4:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow. I know how it feels.
[Nov 8,2004 4:44pm - dan.  ""]
is there really anyone alive who hasnt thought about killing themself?
[Nov 8,2004 4:48pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I think MOST have. and SOME really do think about it. Not to sound deep and/or grim, but I for one have.
[Nov 8,2004 4:48pm - Lincoln ""]
Yeah we all have at one point or another.
[Nov 8,2004 4:51pm - Christraper ""]
swamplorddvm said:Not to sound deep and/or grim, but I for one have.

EXACTLY!!! I hate talking about it because im in a fucking black metal band and everyone says i fucking look like Dead anyways!!!
[Nov 8,2004 4:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hahaha Dead looks (looked) cool.
[Nov 8,2004 5:00pm - paganmegan ""]
for all the times you think of suicide, think of the times when things are good. You will be glad you didn;t. You can't live metal when you are dead
[Nov 8,2004 5:01pm - dan.  ""]
i may be wrong on this but being a zombie is way more metal than being human. survey says?
[Nov 8,2004 5:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Nov 8,2004 5:04pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
zombies rule
[Nov 8,2004 5:06pm - Hooker ""]
If you drink heavily, stop drinking for a month. Note the changes.
If you're a compulsive eater, get a soloflex you fat girlish pile of shit.
If you're a scrawny bitch like me, go ahead and tie a cinder block to your neck and throw it off a cliff.
If you are addicted to porn, hold one of those keyboard cleaner air blaster cans upside down and spray it on your scrotum for the hell of it.
[Nov 8,2004 5:07pm - swamplorddvm ""]
They claw at my face and rip off my scalp!...
[Nov 8,2004 5:13pm - Dissector ""]
dan. said:i may be wrong on this but being a zombie is way more metal than being human. survey says?

[Nov 8,2004 5:30pm - Paul cnv  ""]
[Nov 8,2004 5:32pm - metalmatt666 ""]
paganmegan said:for all the times you think of suicide, think of the times when things are good. You will be glad you didn;t. You can't live metal when you are dead

You know what you're absolutely right
[Nov 8,2004 5:42pm - retzam ""]
That picture is absolutely wonderful.
[Nov 8,2004 5:56pm - dan.  ""]
yeah, but for every good time theres about 10 bad times. for the rest of your life. just sayin. life isnt for everyone.
[Nov 8,2004 5:58pm - Paul cnv  ""]
[Nov 8,2004 6:23pm - retzam ""]
Finally a drink where we feel both mighty/grim and sloshed off our asses.
[Nov 8,2004 6:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
GoatCatalyst said:suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

shut the fuck up. that's something shrinks say when they don't know what they're talking about and don't know anything about you.
[Nov 8,2004 6:50pm - whoremastery ""]
the demo i sent you will cheer you up..if its over a girl..make a tape about her and send it to her like i did..then watch her try and commit suicide and laugh as you send that recording all over the u.s. and abroad!!!! its the best!!! instant cure! but only if its about that..
[Nov 8,2004 6:53pm - Murder Steinbag  ""]
Satan will cheer you up, E-mail MURDER STEINBAG@yahoo.com OR Whoremastery@yahoo.com and ask for a tape, and he'll be right over.
[Nov 8,2004 7:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
swamplorddvm said:They claw at my face and rip off my scalp!...

Damn it! Someone finish it.
[Nov 8,2004 7:58pm - dugoxistance  ""]
try suicide. your whole world changes once you do.
[Nov 8,2004 8:33pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[Nov 8,2004 8:44pm - Jellyfish ""]
swamplorddvm said:They claw at my face and rip off my scalp!...

Exposing my skull
[Nov 9,2004 7:53pm - gayxdude  ""]
for having such cool names, you guys are bunch of emo faggots
[Nov 9,2004 7:55pm - Hooker ""]
Weakness, gaydude. You are embarassing me.
[Nov 9,2004 7:55pm - fuck you  ""]
kill yourself
[Nov 9,2004 7:57pm - Hooker ""]
[Nov 9,2004 8:00pm - retzam ""]
Anonymous? You're posting as different unregistered screennames now?? I have to say, this is quite a stray from your normal half-witted, pussy posts.
[Nov 9,2004 8:27pm - dan.  ""]
wait, did this kid end up killing himself?
[Nov 9,2004 8:45pm - suffer  ""]
[Nov 9,2004 8:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow. I guess It's cool to NOT talk about serious stuff.
[Nov 11,2004 12:42pm - PaganMegan ""]
I've gotta try that vodka
[Nov 11,2004 1:01pm - dan.  ""]
swamplorddvm said:Wow. I guess It's cool to NOT talk about serious stuff.

its only slightly cooler than talking about how you want to kill yourself on the internet but only by a hair.
[Nov 11,2004 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
metalmatt needs to watch out..
rapists are looking for people like you...
[Nov 11,2004 3:09pm - metalmatt666 ""]
[Nov 11,2004 3:17pm - succubus ""]
Take my life, but please don't sexually abuse me

Shukan Bunshun (Nov. 4)

"It was horrible . . . humiliating . . . "
Yui wanted to die. She had slashed her wrist, had hanged herself -- but to no avail. At her wits' end, she checked into a Net suicide site. On the site's bulletin board she posted a message. Would anyone, she inquired, like to join a despairing high-school girl in death?

One reply, says Shukan Bunshun, came from a 45-year-old company employee who seemed no less intent on dying than Yui. He would provide everything necessary -- car, sleeping pills, charcoal for carbon monoxide. When they met at Tokyo Station he turned out to be short, pudgy and bald. But what difference did that make?

They drove to a secluded mountain road, had a few drinks, and the man passed Yui the pills. Well, she thought, this is it.

But it wasn't. The bald, pudgy salaryman had something quite different in mind. Groggy, disoriented, Yui was dimly aware of him removing his clothes, then removing hers, then raping her. Her strength gone, resistance was out of the question.

"The next thing I know," she tells Shukan Bunshun, "I'm standing at a bus stop somewhere, the man and the car nowhere in sight."

What could she do -- go to the police? A fine story she would have for them!

She still plans to die, she says, but intends from now on to give suicide sites a wide berth.

Shukan Bunshun provides no figures, but its anecdotal evidence suggests that sexual predation of this peculiarly morbid sort is not uncommon.

Masami, unemployed and in her 20s, encountered at a suicide site a woman who agreed to die with her. They arranged to meet at Tokyo Station, but when Masami arrived she was accosted instead by three young men.

"The woman is a friend of ours," they said. "Something came up. She couldn't come."

Well, this was odd, but they got to talking, went to a coffee shop, proceeded to a bar, and Masami was touched by how well the three seemed to understand her, how deeply they sympathized. When had they slipped sleeping pills into her drink? She didn't know, but when she came to she found herself being gang-raped. Mercifully she passed out again. Some time later she woke up bruised and freezing on a street near Shinjuku Station.

Not long afterward, Masami swallowed an overdose of sleeping pills. She survived.

"Sex crimes of this nature have generally been associated with deaikei (encounter) sites," Shukan Bunshun hears from a journalist. "But lately the deaikei sites are being more closely regulated" -- forcing sexual prowlers to look elsewhere for vulnerable victims. And who is more vulnerable than a would-be suicide afraid to die alone?

A man calling himself Iwao is a familiar figure at suicide sites. Shukan Bunshun hears about him from Mr. A, a man in his 30s who, with three failed suicides in his background, has turned to informal counseling.

"This guy Iwao," says Mr. A, "left messages on several suicide-site bulletin boards: 'Nagoya man, 51, seeks someone to die with. By hanging. Shall we die contentedly together?'

"The fact that he's old enough to be their father," Mr. A continues, "inspires confidence, and he seems to be a good listener."

He is also clever. Mr. Aclaims to know of two suicidal high-school girls raped by Iwao; in both cases he was careful to remove all traces of himself from his victims' cell phones.

One of the girls sought counselling from Mr. A. But there's only so much a counsellor can do. Soon after her brush with Iwao, she killed herself with another man.

"I haven't seen Iwao around lately," Mr. A says. "He's probably still out there, though, doing the same thing under a different name."
[Nov 11,2004 3:24pm - metalmatt666 ""]
Oh... Damn!
[Nov 11,2004 3:50pm - Hooker ""]
So you feeling better big guy? You want a sooooda?
[Nov 11,2004 9:25pm - succubus ""]
you buy me sssooodddaaa and try to molest me in the parking lot!
[Nov 11,2004 10:09pm - dms  ""]
yo dude! i know how bad the world is!! i feel bad for every one who has to deal with going to work and dealing with the real world!! its hard!! but killing your self is not the way!!! your the master of your own destiny!!! if you are not happy,then change it dude!! cause you don,t have to put up with any type of bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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