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Overwhelming Response

[May 8,2003 5:33am - dwellingsickness ""]
Hey thanks too all who replied to my post about shows at the bombshelter in NH. I will get back to you all shortly> Currently looking to hear each and every bands,MP3's,CD's and whatnot...some i can't find or don't have .if your band could send me something ,get in touch for my contact address... It would greatly help in setting up some shows ,as i do not like to stick bands on the same bill, that are Drastically different
[May 8,2003 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
I'm glad. this is the #1 venue in NH (needs better ventilation though)

you should do a bunch of different style nights

s.e. hardcore: break it up, guns up, outbreak, etc...
deathgrind: tyag, bane of existence, dysentry, shading the end, etc...
gindcore: deadwater drowning, the red chord, the network, the auburn system, etc...
metal/thrash: ravage, a cold reality, csdo, random acts of violence, etc...
noise/grindcore: umbrella, shallows and flats, the failsafe device, etc...

not that I think NH/northern MA needs something better than VFW halls, but this could really open up the scene to a lot better musics. A credible venue like this will pull in bigger bands. I know you did a lot of work to get bands into Chantily's, but hopefully, at the bombshelter, it will work.
[May 8,2003 8:50pm - XmikeX ""]
whats not to love about a club BEHIND a coca-cola factory.

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