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My Velvet Revolver experience last night

[Nov 10,2004 8:03am - succubus ""]
was awesome!

[Nov 10,2004 8:28am - ram_girl ""]
I second that AWESOME!!!!
[Nov 10,2004 8:41am - lynneaus ""]
i once again repeat....

FUCK YOU!!!!!! ;)
[Nov 10,2004 8:58am - succubus ""]
first off when i was taking photos of the opening band, after the first song the bassist yelled out "Carina!! i can't believe you're here"

the fact that he remembered my name was awesome

velvet revolver was late getting to the venue (i knew this because i wandered off backstage)

i "accidentally" walked into their dressing room (no one was there)

i strolled down one of the paths and waited in a corridor..and guess who walked in..hahaha

they were all nice and smiling...and said hello..to me the one who seemed the nicest was slash

i told them i'd be taking pics
i sorta followed them and then there were other people there, staff, meet and greet people, etc. then slash told me i could eat if i was hungry....so i did, no i didn't eat with them but instead ate alone hahaha

they had people coming up to them and stuff...i had a little corn chowder, mashed potatoes, green beans and then ice cream

got some awesome pics and i will post a few later on

after the 3 songs i left and ran to the palladium where i got the finger from Lynneaus heheh

of course since i parked in the lot and i didn't want to pay $20 i waited until past midnight so it was free woooooooooooo

i could have hung out with the bands but i chose Lynneaus<3 she doesn't ask me for head
[Nov 10,2004 9:38am - lynneaus ""]
succubus said:

Lynneaus<3 she doesn't ask me for head

[Nov 10,2004 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
freddy from the exies was the one that deb was trying to fuck,
but he wanted you.. if you remember.
[Nov 10,2004 10:13am - succubus ""]
yes i remember her wanting him
but when we were all at the muddy river the singer asked me to go to Philly with them
oh well whatever, cool guys and i was really surprised he remembered my name since i had forgotten all of theirs
[Nov 10,2004 10:54am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
Carina I am rediculusly jealous right now, i must meet them
[Nov 10,2004 11:51am - succubus ""]
you are going to the manchester show right?
[Nov 10,2004 11:53am - anonymous  ""]
yeah im going to manch
[Nov 10,2004 11:54am - inailedyour girlfriend not logged in  ""]
yeah that was me above
[Nov 10,2004 12:21pm - succubus ""]
well you have some choices...if you wait outside by the staff entrance....as long as they don't make you leave...they arrived yesterday while the opener was playing...

or wait after the show...again same spot

on another note lynne made me laugh my ass off when she made me follow her through the crowd and we got dirty looks from underaged wannabe hoes

[Nov 10,2004 12:42pm - lynneaus ""]
ya they were pissing me off

"excuse me.... excuse me.... EXCUSE ME...

i hate lil girls that want to "have babies" with ppl in bands...
[Nov 10,2004 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]
what if they want to have babies with you?
[Nov 10,2004 12:53pm - lynneaus ""]
the_reverend said:what if they want to have babies with you?

well it would fit with the intelligence level of the people there last night.... i think i would attempt to explain that girls cannot biologically have babies with other girls... then... id unno what.... id prob laugh at their stupidity
[Nov 10,2004 12:53pm - succubus ""]
lynneaus said:ya they were pissing me off

"excuse me.... excuse me.... EXCUSE ME...

i hate lil girls that want to "have babies" with ppl in bands...


"I'll do ANYTHING to get backstage.."


[Nov 10,2004 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
man.. imagine being a girl and getting a 14 yo to go down on you so that you can get back stage.
I wonder if this has ever been done (outside of a mellissa ethridge concert I mean)
if not, I think we have a money making beginning to a real web site here! and this website will have a REAL message board
[Nov 12,2004 11:05am - succubus ""]
hey i nailed your girlfriend are you excited???
[Nov 12,2004 11:08am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
very, i want passes but my meesly radio conections werent enought to hook me up :(
[Nov 12,2004 11:20am - succubus ""]
how long of a drive will it be for you?
[Nov 12,2004 11:47am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
2 and a half hours not too bad, 5MH used to drive 23453 hours to each show hahah. I think the rev posted something about that once.
[Apr 11,2012 11:26pm - Eddie Vedder  ""]
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