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Directions to my house

[Nov 10,2004 12:09pm - litacore ""]

[Nov 10,2004 12:12pm - PaganMegan ""]
what does ralphie have to do with mordor?
[Nov 10,2004 12:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Do not ask questions that do not have answers.
[Nov 10,2004 12:16pm - litacore ""]
there's something about ralphie

(is it the frank or the beans?)

nobody understands me because I am so deeeeeeeeeeeeep
[Nov 10,2004 12:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't even know how to spell your name, thats how deep you are.
[Nov 10,2004 12:18pm - litacore ""]
I should write a haiku today
[Nov 10,2004 1:59pm - litacore ""]
i can't think of one
[Nov 10,2004 2:06pm - PaganMegan ""]
so which rock on the map is your house?
[Nov 10,2004 2:13pm - litacore ""]
Barad-dûr, The Dark Tower

ba'rad doorr
The final 'r' should be pronounced - 'rr' is used here to emphasize this
--Encyclopedia of Arda
[Nov 10,2004 2:17pm - PaganMegan ""]
cool. I wanna party there.
[Nov 10,2004 2:18pm - litacore ""]
you know it. We'll watch Excalibur and blast the Rhapsody CDs
[Nov 10,2004 2:19pm - litacore ""]
although Coil and footage of volcanos may be more appropriate to Mordor
[Nov 10,2004 2:22pm - PaganMegan ""]
fuckin rhapsody they are fucking silly
[Nov 10,2004 2:24pm - PaganMegan ""]
really silly

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