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ALRIGHT, HERE IT IS: List all of the...

[Nov 10,2004 6:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
...all ages venues in MA you can think of. Don't be shy!!!

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[Nov 10,2004 6:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Good idea, dude!
[Nov 10,2004 6:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Worcester Artist Group
38 Harlow St.
Worcester, MA. 01605


RJ Trudeau
Performance Coordinator
508 579-1574

collectively run artist space.
[Nov 10,2004 7:00pm - rev away in macland on a 30inch screen  ""]
there is one in husdon mass that I perform at every now and again.
[Nov 10,2004 7:09pm - moi non pas moi  ""]
HUDSON dammit
[Nov 10,2004 10:41pm - Ayin  ""]
there's this place in haverhill, right by exit23, you have to watch what you say, there's no swearin'
[Nov 10,2004 10:41pm - Ayin  ""]
oh yeah and i think they only do things on friday night
[Nov 10,2004 10:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
this info would be key:

Venue Name:
Contact info:
Extra Info about the place:
[Nov 11,2004 1:19pm - TOC Nli  ""]
[Nov 11,2004 3:26pm - Ayin  ""]
i'll get all the info for ya

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