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I just realized something........

[Nov 11,2004 9:41am - Lincoln ""]
It's Veterans Day and I'm at work. This really blows...who else is stuck working today besides me???
[Nov 11,2004 9:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 11,2004 9:43am - PaganMegan ""]
Me. It sucks .I wanna sleep, get up at noon and drink beer all day long listening to immortal
[Nov 11,2004 9:44am - Christraper ""]
im at work. i only realized it was veterans day after i got here. i was wondering why there was no traffic this morning.
[Nov 11,2004 9:45am - the_reverend ""]
I knew it last night cause I was baby sitting and the girl didn't have school today.

my works closing down for the week of thanksgiving... I can't wait... I'm going to do NOTHING!
[Nov 11,2004 9:46am - Lincoln ""]
Christraper said:im at work. i only realized it was veterans day after i got here. i was wondering why there was no traffic this morning.

Thats when I realized it too.......I was on the T this morning and I noticed it looked kinda empty and I didn't put it together until I got in today. Dammit!!! Oh well. Happy Veterans Day everyone!
[Nov 11,2004 9:47am - succubus ""]
yeah..kids don't have school today...why do we have to work????

i may not be a veteran...but for the love of all of them...why not make everyone stay home ?
[Nov 11,2004 9:49am - Lincoln ""]
See my company makes us work this day so that we get the day after Thanksgiving off....I guess it's a good trade. But I would have loved having today off.
[Nov 11,2004 9:49am - succubus ""]
why not both?
[Nov 11,2004 9:52am - Lincoln ""]
Because my company blows donkey dicks......
[Nov 11,2004 9:52am - ram_girl ""]
Lincoln said:See my company makes us work this day so that we get the day after Thanksgiving off....I guess it's a good trade. But I would have loved having today off.

I am working.....although I really do not want to be here today(more than usual)!

Our company does the same thing with day after Thanksgiving...
[Nov 11,2004 9:55am - Lincoln ""]
Makes no sense really...we could just have both days off. But that would be too easy. Thank God it's not busy here today.
[Nov 11,2004 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
why don't you guys stop bitching and move to russia or something.
[Nov 11,2004 9:59am - Lincoln ""]
[Nov 11,2004 10:04am - ram_girl ""]
I actually like the 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving though....
[Nov 11,2004 10:04am - Lincoln ""]
I don't need much of an excuse to bitch about things.....
[Nov 11,2004 10:05am - Lincoln ""]
ram_girl said:I actually like the 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving though....

Yeah thats gonna be nice.
[Nov 11,2004 10:05am - Christraper ""]
They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....
[Nov 11,2004 10:05am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but mass gives you lennin's birthday off right?
[Nov 11,2004 10:07am - Lincoln ""]
The good thing is I found this on-line radio station at work that plays more Maiden than I think I've ever heard in my life...I've heard Can I Play With Madness...The Prisoner.........The Trooper...2 Minutes to Midnight....damn what else?? It's gonna be a good day after all.......
[Nov 11,2004 10:08am - ram_girl ""]
Christraper said:They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....

You asked your boss and he/she didn't give one to you?
I'm appalled!
Your boss didn't even offer to get under the desk?
[Nov 11,2004 10:09am - Lincoln ""]
ram_girl said:Christraper said:They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....

You asked your boss and he/she didn't give one to you?
I'm appalled!
Your boss didn't even offer to get under the desk?

Thats when you start earning the big bucks......
[Nov 11,2004 10:10am - lynneaus ""]
today would have been an awesome day to not get out of bed....and if i knew there was gonna be no traffic this mornin i think i would have stayed in bed even longer
[Nov 11,2004 10:14am - Christraper ""]
ram_girl said:Christraper said:They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....

You asked your boss and he/she didn't give one to you?
I'm appalled!
Your boss didn't even offer to get under the desk?

she gave me a handjob and told me id have to wait untill ive been working here for at least a year.

[Nov 11,2004 10:15am - Lincoln ""]
Yeah I was really contemplating going in at all today...then I found out about the holiday after I got in. Bed was so comfortable and warm...I didn't want to get up at all.
[Nov 11,2004 10:15am - ram_girl ""]
Christraper said:ram_girl said:Christraper said:They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....

You asked your boss and he/she didn't give one to you?
I'm appalled!
Your boss didn't even offer to get under the desk?

she gave me a handjob and told me id have to wait untill ive been working here for at least a year.

Hey, its a start!

[Nov 11,2004 10:17am - Lincoln ""]
ram_girl said:Christraper said:ram_girl said:Christraper said:They never gave me that 18 yr old penis polisher i asked to have under my desk.....

You asked your boss and he/she didn't give one to you?
I'm appalled!
Your boss didn't even offer to get under the desk?

she gave me a handjob and told me id have to wait untill ive been working here for at least a year.

Hey, its a start!

True.......you gotta earn it. What happens after two years of employment???
[Nov 11,2004 10:19am - ram_girl ""]
Don't know. I've been here over 6 years and I get no fringe benefits!

Oh, I am not a morning person, so I never want to get out of bed!
[Nov 11,2004 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
I'm at 5 years.. all i got was a plaque and 3-weeks of vaca/year
[Nov 11,2004 10:22am - Lincoln ""]
I'm at 3 years at my place. I get nothing.
[Nov 11,2004 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am working 1-10 in Quincy Center today, and I miss Dissector, Abhorred and Endless Nightmare becuase of it.
[Nov 11,2004 10:28am - ram_girl ""]
Yeah, but after me an Succie got a surprise extra $500 award yesterday it makes up for a lot of the crap!
[Nov 11,2004 10:29am - PaganMegan ""]
I basically just started my job so I can't bitch too much but I still would like the day off
[Nov 11,2004 10:30am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I'm at 5 years.. all i got was a plaque and 3-weeks of vaca/year

same but i got to pick a gift and i remember linking my choices here

i picked the little luggage
[Nov 11,2004 10:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This is my second day at this new job. I just wish I could have worked like 9-7 instead or something.
Oh well, atleast I get to see Hirudinea on saturday.
[Nov 11,2004 10:30am - succubus ""]
ram_girl said:Yeah, but after me an Succie got a surprise extra $500 award yesterday it makes up for a lot of the crap!

a LITTLE of the crap =)

[Nov 11,2004 10:33am - Lincoln ""]
Damn $500??? Where do you girls work???!!!! Are you hiring????
[Nov 11,2004 10:34am - succubus ""]
it's pretax, so by the time it's in our next pay...i'm guessing it'll only be $250-$300
[Nov 11,2004 10:38am - Lincoln ""]
Yeah but still thats not too bad. It's extra money you weren't counting on right? My company doesn't give me shit.....except grief.
[Nov 11,2004 10:41am - succubus ""]
i wasn't expecting it because they stopped doing these things and we bitched and bitched and finally they listened...

[Nov 11,2004 10:43am - Lincoln ""]
When I bitch they just give me all the crap that I hate doing.
[Nov 11,2004 10:44am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't do anything at work when I can get away with it.
[Nov 11,2004 10:48am - Lincoln ""]
I hear that. I usually sit in front of my computer and post here as much as possible.....if I'm caught on this web-site again thats it for me. Fired...I like to teeter on the edge sometimes.....
[Nov 11,2004 10:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I usually make calls at work to complete show line ups and shit.
[Nov 11,2004 10:52am - Christraper ""]
yea i take care of band shit while im at work too
[Nov 11,2004 10:53am - Lincoln ""]
I've tried and been marginally successful here. It's tough when the phone rings every five Goddamn seconds with some asshole on the other end bitching because he didn't get his settlement check.
[Nov 11,2004 10:56am - ram_girl ""]
I would bitch but I don't have it that horribly here....I just hate having to work period!
[Nov 11,2004 10:57am - PaganMegan ""]
I don't do too much besides this
[Nov 11,2004 9:26pm - succubus ""]
ram_girl said:I would bitch but I don't have it that horribly here....I just hate having to work period!

how things change in a day eh?

i just hope that when you are reading it .. things will be better for both of us
[Nov 12,2004 1:19am - Kalopsia ""]
i didn't know it was veterans day until today, and yes i had work

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