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America:Slowly Kissing Democracy Goodbye

[Nov 11,2004 3:57pm - grundlegremlin ""]
If you live in a city and plan to protest against Bush and his war, The National Gaurd are going to be bringing out tanks to block protesters and will drag you off to a FEMA detention center.They have already used the tanks in L.A. and the FEMA camps are everywhere. You Don't have to belive this,but it's true. Do the research.Do a Search on FEMA Detention Centers,FEMA camps, or Gulags in the US.:nuke:
[Nov 11,2004 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I would.. but then they would know that I'm here..
I'm a photographer.. so I'm a terrorist enough as it is...
sonce I'm not embedded with GIJoe
[Nov 11,2004 4:02pm - Ayin  ""]
but FEMA's only thiere to help people
[Nov 11,2004 4:05pm - dan.  ""]
the thanks are the least of your problems if you are considered a viable threat to "security".
[Nov 11,2004 4:05pm - dan.  ""]
ah i meant tanks.
[Nov 11,2004 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
tanks you
[Nov 11,2004 4:07pm - succubus ""]
[Nov 11,2004 4:07pm - Ayin  ""]
then you got to worry about SWAT kickin' inyour door, the tanks are for protesters
[Nov 11,2004 4:07pm - grundlegremlin ""]
So much for the right to peacefully protest.
[Nov 11,2004 4:08pm - Ayin  ""]
that right was gone a long time ago you know that
[Nov 11,2004 4:10pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Yeah, I know.
[Nov 11,2004 4:12pm - Ayin  ""]
yeah and guess who dead, the mid-east party is about to get bumpin'
[Nov 11,2004 4:12pm - the_reverend ""]
if protestor were such assholes, they'd be find.
the best simpsons is when homer puts the flower in that gun ang then it blasts into his forehead.. ahahaha
[Nov 11,2004 4:14pm - Ayin  ""]
most protesters aren't asshole the media just makes 'em out that way
[Nov 11,2004 4:16pm - eddie ""]
your point?

there all empty. and this is nothing new.
[Nov 11,2004 4:21pm - grundlegremlin ""]
[img]My point is that this country is asleep and people need to realise these things. Not everybody knows about these camps and a large majority of people have no idea that FEMA exists.
[Nov 11,2004 4:21pm - Ayin  ""]
how are protests empty?
[Nov 11,2004 4:24pm - Ayin  ""]
there's alot more to FEMA then there camps, like how "our"(their) gov't can be turned over to FEMA after a terrorist attack, with havin' to give it back, that some thing's that goin' to happen soon.
[Nov 11,2004 4:25pm - dan.  ""]
quick word of advice, ayin: if you want people to talk you seriously, dont sound like such an uninformed pseudoliberal idiot.
[Nov 11,2004 4:27pm - Ayin  ""]
what ever man, like grundlegermlin said look it up for yourself
[Nov 11,2004 4:29pm - dan.  ""]
dude, any idiot knows these things. i read all the time. nothing you have said here has opened my eyes and made me want to go join your revolution, which if i recall, involves me being anally violated and such and such.
[Nov 11,2004 4:30pm - eddie ""]
grundlegremlin said:So much for the right to peacefully protest.

people took that right to far once they started sitting in the middle of the street, making it so people couldn't go to work. or sitting in front of an armory so supplies can't get to our troops.

i have no problem putting those fuckers in a giant cage so they can't "peacefully protest".

i think protesting is good. it should be done more often. however it should not effect people in a negative way.(like perventing people from going to work, or perventing troops from getting things like guns, amo, body armor ect..)
[Nov 11,2004 4:32pm - Ayin  ""]
i'm not askin' anyone to "join my revolution", so are you tryin' to tell me everyone know about FEMA and what they do
[Nov 11,2004 4:33pm - dan.  ""]
my favorite part of political discussions on rttp is how articulate everyone is. its just like reading the new yorker, except instead of cartoons: dead babies.
[Nov 11,2004 4:37pm - Ayin  ""]
i can't wait till next summer
[Nov 11,2004 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]

Bill of Rights
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
[Nov 11,2004 4:39pm - Ayin  ""]
dose the 4&5 amendments seem like catch 22 amendment to anyone else?
[Nov 11,2004 4:51pm - dan.  ""]
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

no, catch 22 is not the word i would use.
[Nov 11,2004 4:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
This is whack!

Hey bush! :satancross:
[Nov 11,2004 4:54pm - Ayin  ""]
the right's are catch 22 right
[Nov 11,2004 4:54pm - dan.  ""]
ummm. explain how so....
[Nov 11,2004 4:55pm - Ayin  ""]
if you got to use these right you look guilty, that's what i mean by catch 22
[Nov 11,2004 4:55pm - KeithMutiny ""]
can anyone else hear me taking a dump on this?
[Nov 11,2004 4:55pm - Ayin  ""]
go* not got
[Nov 11,2004 4:57pm - dan.  ""]
ummmm no that doesnt really make any sense at all.
[Nov 11,2004 4:58pm - eddie ""]
no, but i can smell it.
[Nov 11,2004 4:58pm - Ayin  ""]
that's cuz you've never used those rights, cops don't take "no you can't search my car" or "i don't have to talk to you" to well.
[Nov 11,2004 5:01pm - dan.  ""]
um dude i really dont know how to reply to that. i am officially at a loss for words.
[Nov 11,2004 5:21pm - the_reverend ""]
need something not as music related to do? Send your gripes to
President@WhiteHouse.gov, or access the online bitchboard at
http://www.whitehouse.gov/webmail to submit comments on a specific
issue. Have fun!
[Nov 11,2004 5:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
or just call Walt Disney World and ask them to cut the strings...
[Nov 11,2004 5:26pm - eddie ""]
i don't believe for a second the president or anyone in power even looks at those.
[Nov 11,2004 5:28pm - KeithMutiny ""]
They all get forwarded to Jello Biafra, to ensure feedback for his next spoken word album
[Nov 11,2004 6:26pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Ayin said:i'm not askin' anyone to "join my revolution", so are you tryin' to tell me everyone know about FEMA and what they do

I thought we already made it clear in another thread that you're not smart enough to partake in human conversation.
[Nov 11,2004 7:35pm - tbone_r ""]
hahaha zing
[Nov 11,2004 7:44pm - retzam ""]
Ayin said:that's cuz you've never used those rights, cops don't take "no you can't search my car" or "i don't have to talk to you" to well.

The 4th amendment does not mean the cops cannot search your car, and the 5th amendment does not mean you don't have to talk to the cops. Reread them a few times, they are much more specific than that.
[Nov 11,2004 11:28pm - WyrmFingerz ""]
you're silly. stop whining.
[Nov 11,2004 11:37pm - Ayin  ""]
tellin' a cop he can't search your car is covered under the 4th, and not talkin' to cops is covered under the 5th. there's alot more that go into those right but those things are covered.

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