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TONIGHT: HIM (His Infernal Majesty), Monster Magnet / Auf De Maur

[Nov 12,2004 11:02am - succubus ""]
anyone else going?

i was told i'm going to be the "house" photographer this evening...

I'm really looking forward to this!
[Nov 12,2004 11:07am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i chose Velvet Revolver instead this show, my brother is going though
this is me with the doodes from HIM


[Nov 12,2004 11:08am - succubus ""]
nice....i bumped the velvet revolver thread for you because i knew it was tonight..
i'm sure yer pumped!
[Nov 12,2004 11:13am - lynneaus ""]
i watched them set up last night... i have a feeling im goin to be more manly than most ppl there tonight
[Nov 12,2004 11:16am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
indeed i responded to it, does it qualify as to being "that guy" if i wear my red slash shirt to this? I had it made for me in Canada. Dirtrrcrayon informed me she saw someone with the same shirt i was devistated. this is what it looks like so it isnt offically a "band" shirt[img]
[Nov 12,2004 11:17am - lynneaus ""]
yup you would definately be THAT GUY
[Nov 12,2004 11:18am - succubus ""]
who cares, if you wnt to wear it...
just do it baby!
[Nov 12,2004 11:18am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
ok so i guess i will not be wearing my custom made slash shirt
[Nov 12,2004 11:20am - succubus ""]
read what i wrote above!

i'm wearing my nile long sleeved babydoll
which is funny since aaron's wearing his long sleeved nile shirt
[Nov 12,2004 11:22am - lynneaus ""]
thank god i had my nile hoodie on last night!!!

its bad enough when we are all in RTTP but if we all had nile gear on i think i would have to go change
[Nov 12,2004 11:22am - powerkok ""]
monster magnet is still around?
how in the hell could something like this happen?
and all these talented bands get nothing, while those useless fucks play their gay 'rock' for millions of faggoty dollars.
totally gay.
I hate metal.
[Nov 12,2004 11:25am - succubus ""]
lynneaus said:thank god i had my nile hoodie on last night!!!

its bad enough when we are all in RTTP but if we all had nile gear on i think i would have to go change


who cares if we match damn you people
[Nov 12,2004 11:46am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
haha did you guys call eachother to make sure you both wore the same thing. it is ok to match. I'm sure there are 100's of other people in the world wearing Nile shirts at this moment too.
[Nov 12,2004 12:52pm - succubus ""]
no, we dressed together...well ok he put his on first

[Nov 12,2004 1:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think that bands the gayest thing in the ENTIRE world... but if SOMEONE got me in for free id go to see monster magnet... hint hint
[Nov 12,2004 1:36pm - succubus ""]
i'm guessing you are refering to your contact right?

didn't you say you knew one of the bouncers?
[Nov 12,2004 1:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yea, but i havent talked to him in a while... i ment ANYONE... just throwin it out, its really not that important
[Nov 12,2004 3:01pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
I'll be there...
in my Nile thong
[Nov 12,2004 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 12,2004 3:10pm - succubus ""]
i gotta get some pics of that then!
[Nov 12,2004 3:10pm - anonymous  ""]
it is!
... fuckin' butt-floss of vengeance
[Nov 12,2004 3:12pm - dirteecrayon ""]
whats up with bam & ville vallo? it makes me quite uneasy that he sports the same tats as ville does.
[Nov 12,2004 5:22pm - succubus ""]
ok i guess i am leaving...

maybe i'll see some of you there...
i have my RTTP hoodie on
i look like poop though<3
[Nov 12,2004 5:27pm - KeithMutiny ""]
bye bye... have fun stormin the castle...
[Nov 12,2004 5:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
him is a she.
[Nov 12,2004 5:32pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Nov 12,2004 5:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hahah I saw a video of his. "he" had a hot chick in it, but good lord it was a gay song!!!
[Nov 12,2004 5:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yea, the only video i seen is that one in cky3k or whatever it is
[Nov 12,2004 5:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
ooh y3k how clever and rebelious!
[Nov 13,2004 12:50am - succubus ""]
fun night..i'm back now
[Nov 13,2004 2:32am - succubus ""]

photos are up
[Nov 13,2004 7:40am - moran ""]
horseshit. I had no idea they were playing. So I get to miss Slayer, Megadeth, Exodus, and H.I.M. this weekend. I'm awesome.
[Nov 13,2004 11:13am - succubus ""]
that sucks...

i forgot to say that at the show i saw this guy who looked liked he was the bassist in aerosmith...tom hamilton (had to look up his name) anyhow, he was surrounded by 3 security people..i told the last one walking behind..he looks like the guy in aerosmith...welll...he was..lol, i guess his kids like H.I.M. and he took them to the show..awww nice dad

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