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it's currently snowing outside...

[Nov 12,2004 12:04pm - dirteecrayon ""]
and theres people walking around my campus in sandals and shorts!!!

[Nov 12,2004 12:11pm - Christraper ""]
i went running in the woods naked in the snow when i was REALLY drunk one night. Not quite sure how i got naked but it made for an interesting story nonetheless.
[Nov 12,2004 12:19pm - Lincoln ""]
Just one step closer to snowboarding season........let it snow!!!!
[Nov 12,2004 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
someone get me a plane ticket to san diego. i hate the snow. this makes me depressed. hopefully it won't be too bad for me to drive to my gf's house later.
[Nov 12,2004 12:29pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
my roommate is still wearing her flip flops. she's crazy! she's also from northern maine...so her tolerance is different, i guess!
[Nov 12,2004 12:33pm - lynneaus ""]
hmmm what a weird sensation... normally you see the flurries for a month off and on before you get the first real snow... but nope... i mean i think i might have seen one or two small flakes goin home last night (around 230am) and a few coming in around 8 today but it was more just a small lil flurry of nothing... so i go outside to have a cigarette and its full scale snowing out... it just felt bizarre... but neat in a sort of a way... almost like being brought back to the age of 7 or so when snow was a wonder and amazement that brought a smile to your face.... over the years ive lost that... it was great to feel it again if even for a minute before i started worrying about whether or not im gonna have to shovel tonight at 230am when i get home from work
[Nov 12,2004 3:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
it still hasn't snowed in Holbrook, in fact it stopped raining hours ago.
[Nov 12,2004 3:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 12,2004 3:14pm - dirteecrayon ""]
theres snow on the ground and it's sticking...

time to break out my boots from ll bean

i'm such a yuppie
[Nov 12,2004 3:16pm - ram_girl ""]
Snow and cold, suck ass (yes, I'm from New England but I still hate it)!!!
[Nov 12,2004 3:22pm - Christraper ""]
Snow kicks ass. Everyone stays inside and i get the whole town to myself.
[Nov 12,2004 3:22pm - Christraper ""]
i just hate driving in it
[Nov 12,2004 3:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I love the snow.
I'm so happy.
and I'm listening to edith frost!
[Nov 12,2004 4:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
still never snowed here and hasnt rained since before noon
[Nov 12,2004 4:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
There you go with your "white people are crazy" shit!

I'm not happy with the weather either... er... I mean I love. It's cold and it chills my soul. mmmmmmm So cold, so pure.
[Nov 12,2004 4:09pm - dirteecrayon ""]
swamplorddvm said:There you go with your "white people are crazy" shit!

I'm not happy with the weather either... er... I mean I love. It's cold and it chills my soul. mmmmmmm So cold, so pure.

ahem, my post did not mention anything about white people --- i just said that people are walking around in flip flops!
[Nov 12,2004 4:11pm - lynneaus ""]
dirteecrayon said:swamplorddvm said:There you go with your "white people are crazy" shit!

I'm not happy with the weather either... er... I mean I love. It's cold and it chills my soul. mmmmmmm So cold, so pure.

ahem, my post did not mention anything about white people --- i just said that people are walking around in flip flops!

ahem, he was probably referring to rev's use of the word "Crackahs!"

[Nov 12,2004 4:46pm - succubus ""]
it was snowing when the rev and i left for work this morning...

and now i see white on the ground
[Nov 12,2004 4:47pm - succubus ""]
i parked in the underground garage


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