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i made this

[Nov 17,2004 10:21am - succubus ""]

for a new splash page...

i'll make more

so far the feedback i got is:

"looks too cut and paste" ~that's because i SUCK at PS like i always say
[Nov 17,2004 10:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
those guys all look like faggots
[Nov 17,2004 10:25am - litacore ""]

here's some more
[Nov 17,2004 10:27am - succubus ""]
i shot the matches too
pics not up yet
[Nov 17,2004 10:28am - succubus ""]
but i am talking about me making a new entrance page for my site

i will make more will local bands mr joe not common
[Nov 17,2004 10:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I dont care if its local bands or not, most local bands are gay too.
[Nov 17,2004 10:42am - dirteecrayon ""]
i think it would look awesome if you could make all 4 picks look like 1
like blurring or softening the edges of the pics
[Nov 17,2004 10:45am - blue nli  ""]
yeah, it does look too cut and pasted. definetly try to blur the edges.
[Nov 17,2004 10:46am - succubus ""]
yeah i'm hoping "someone" will help me do that tonight
he already told me he could make it look better

thanks guys!

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