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Mille from Kreator on Kid's TV

[Nov 19,2004 12:12pm - litacore ""]

KREATOR frontman Mille Petrozza appeared on the children's TV channel KinderKanal in Germany today (Nov. 19). The 30-minute program featured Petrozza answering questions about the heavy metal genre. According to a BLABBERMOUTH.NET visitor, "the presenter of the show was a bit nervous, and Mille seemed a bit misplaced, but all in all it was a good show for kids. They learned much about metal. ('Hello kids, this is Mille. He plays in a so-called 'metal band'). They didn't make fun about metal (like many media [outlets] usually do). They explained metal in simple words. They showed some METALLICA, MANOWAR, IRON MAIDEN and KREATOR [videos], and talked about riffs etc. A boy asked, 'Is your long hair a wig?' At the end, Mille played a BLACK SABBATH riff." Check out four screen shots from Mille's appearance on KinderKanal at this location.

KREATOR's new album, "Enemy of God" is scheduled for release in Europe and South America on January 10 and North America on January 11 via SPV Records. A limited-edition version of the CD will come with a bonus DVD containing a "making of" documentary and video clips.
[Nov 19,2004 12:13pm - PaganMegan ""]
thats kinda cool kinda weird.... I love kreator anyways
[Nov 19,2004 12:19pm - Christraper ""]
HAHAHAHA!!!! Mille looks so happy to be there. Then again he always looks that happy. "I can't believe this is what its come to" (thinks Mille) "Im doing an interview to promote my new album on a fucking kids show!!!!" "At least i didnt cut my hair like Metallica and NO ITS NOT A FUCKING WIG YOU LITTLE SHIT HEAD!!!"
[Nov 19,2004 12:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
kids are the future, i think that's excellent news.
[Nov 19,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
c is for cookie...
[Nov 19,2004 3:42pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Germany rules!!

That said, KREATOR should really give up...
[Nov 19,2004 3:44pm - litacore ""]
aww, no way dude! This should SHRED!
[Nov 19,2004 3:45pm - Christraper ""]
I wasnt exactly amazed with their last album. I heard the new one is supposed to be better but thats what they always say.
[Nov 19,2004 3:46pm - Christraper ""]
Possessed should regroup. Even if Jeff is still in a wheelchair.
[Nov 19,2004 3:48pm - dan.  ""]
Christraper said:Possessed should regroup. Even if Jeff is still in a wheelchair.

[Nov 19,2004 3:49pm - litacore ""]
even though Larry's just content to play Primus muzak?

I wonder what happened to Mike Sus
[Nov 19,2004 3:51pm - Christraper ""]
HAHAHA Mike probably works at a gas station and tells everyone he used to be a rock star!
[Nov 19,2004 3:55pm - Hooker ""]
that's fucking awesome Kreator rules.
[Nov 19,2004 3:57pm - litacore ""]
follow the bouncing lung
[Nov 19,2004 4:02pm - Christraper ""]
litacore said:follow the bouncing lung


[Nov 19,2004 4:03pm - PaganMegan ""]
heh bouncing lung
[Nov 19,2004 4:26pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I think Larry doesn't like to talk about the POSSESSED days... :-/

I thought "Violent" Revolution was pretty much total poo... Coma Of Souls II: Minus 1/2 The Balls does not = returning to their roots!!
[Nov 19,2004 4:28pm - litacore ""]
i haven't heard VR all the way through yet. I like the live one because it's raw.

but the preview clip I heard for the new CD sounds promising
[Nov 19,2004 4:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
You're not missing much...

The set on the live thing did look cool, better than their set from Haverhill - My estimates: 5-6 VR songs (weighing in at 5-6 min each), 1 CoS ("People Of The Lie"), "Betrayer", "Toxic Trace", 1/2 of "Riot Of Violence", medley of "Flag Of Hate"/"Tormentor"... So timewise the set was like 70% from the 90's/00's... booooo.... Looks like they did more Endless Pain and Pleasure To Kill material for the live album though.
[Nov 19,2004 4:37pm - litacore ""]
the first thing I went to when I first watched the DVD was go right to the video for "Toxic Trace"

I was in Tenth Grade again.
[Nov 19,2004 4:39pm - PaganMegan ""]
I love early kreator, like pleasure to kill, but I like violent revolution too... its different, but still good
[Nov 19,2004 4:39pm - Christraper ""]
hell yea! i fuckin love that video!

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