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hookers with black eyes and track marks

[May 15,2003 5:39pm - lefty guns  ""]

Ct band (we havent decided a name yet) seeking dedicated guitar player and a bass player, to make rock. good gear and transportation are a must. we have a free practice space,and a bunch of songs ready to go. we are experianced(ex ATFS,Calyx in ruin) have our shit together, and wanna make good stuff happen so we can quit our shitty jobs and go on tour. As far as our sound, we kinda have a VOD,snapcase,converge,drowningman,neuros is,ISIS,nirvana,faith no more,in flames,overcast thing goin on. Its hard to describe, but its fucking good, and wont be just another band that sounds like everyone else. we get good gigs, and we are good people, so if interested please contact Brendan at sickdude@attbi.com

[May 16,2003 12:30am - tedonegoodfuck ""]
i hate you already. smooch.

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