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interpol, secret machines and on! air! library! photos & me on TV

[Nov 22,2004 11:16am - succubus ""]
yes so in case anyone wants to see them...

pics are from the strand show


lighting was ok for the opener on!air!library! darkish but ok...
but it got worse with secret machines...with bright white lights facing the crowd..i.e. ME and the drummer was sideways...

and then interpol...complete darkness...all black...with an occassional strobe...grrr

things get better with their lighting during the middle of their set, as usual..ah well after the 3 songs no flash i was escorted backstage and watched the rest of the show on the stage =)

for anyone with ondemand...interpol's set is going to air ondemand sometime in early 2005

look for me standing behind the band
[Nov 22,2004 11:32am - lynneaus ""]
lol i read the topic and thought... "What the fuck did she do??? shes on tv and wanted by Interpol????"

way to confuse my sleepy brain
[Nov 22,2004 11:34am - succubus ""]

are you sleepin at work?

[Nov 22,2004 11:37am - lynneaus ""]
no i wish i was... i got home at 4am... fell asleep around 5... ignored my alarm when it went off at 530am and got up and raced to work at 750am

i could use some sleep hahah
[Nov 22,2004 12:34pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Interpol is my newest addiction *sob*
[Nov 22,2004 12:47pm - dreadkill ""]
hehehe, i was waiting for scott to see this thread.
[Nov 22,2004 12:51pm - succubus ""]
Sinislazy said:Interpol is my newest addiction *sob*


[Nov 22,2004 1:01pm - Hooker ""]
[Nov 22,2004 1:08pm - succubus ""]
Hooker said:ugh

[Nov 22,2004 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
interpol wants carina for her overt sodomy excursions
[Nov 23,2004 10:52pm - succubus ""]
[Nov 24,2004 7:47am - succubus ""]
again i say what?
[Nov 25,2004 7:58am - sinistas ""]
I've been annoying everybody I know with Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down

[Dec 6,2004 12:53pm - succubus ""]
i wanna hear you sing it next time i see you please =)
[Dec 6,2004 2:18pm - mOe  ""]
The Chameleons shit all over Interpol..end of post
[Dec 7,2004 2:10pm - succubus ""]
NO end of you!
/me smacks moe

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