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[Nov 22,2004 2:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Anyone into SWANS?

I am hearing them for the 1st time today, I got a burn of Greed / Holy Money.

[Nov 22,2004 2:30pm - Christraper ""]
hahahaha im assuming youre talking about a band but at first i thought you might be sharing your interest in birds with us or something.
[Nov 22,2004 2:34pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Swans fucking rule. Check out Filth, Children Of God, Great Annihilator, and Love Of Life. You can't go wrong with any of them really.
[Nov 22,2004 2:39pm - succubus ""]
ohhh yer gonna get a few Swans fans on here i'm SURE of it!
[Nov 22,2004 2:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I met a girl at that SIN OF ANGELS and OCEAN show at the Green Room and she is very into the SWANS and is burning their stuff for me.

So far I like it, it's different but good.
[Nov 22,2004 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I love them took.
so raw.
so depressed.
I have children of god, the great annihilator, and world of skin.
I want to find mp3s of the manchester live gig, but I only have access to it on lp.
[Nov 22,2004 2:52pm - litacore nli  ""]
the live Swans stuff is especially good

my studio faves are Cop and Filth (pre-Jarboe), World of Skin and Soundtracks for the Blind (post-Jarboe)
[Nov 22,2004 3:34pm - armageddonday ""]
Cop is really the only one I care about, I never listen to it that much. Sometimes at the store...
[Nov 22,2004 3:35pm - Christraper ""]
Anne i was at the shop yesterday with the little lady. too bad we missed you.
[Nov 22,2004 3:41pm - armageddonday ""]
I don't work on week-end anymore. I did a few hours Saturday but that's it. I really didn't like having to work on week-ends and just have Mondays off so I switched.
[Nov 22,2004 3:57pm - gorg  ""]
i only have children of god
it's great though
the neurosis jarboe album is jawsome
[Nov 22,2004 7:28pm - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
wow John I can't belive you never heard the Swans before they are great!
[Nov 22,2004 7:34pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah I was surprised myself.
[Nov 22,2004 8:47pm - reuben ""]
Children of God and Cop, has anyone heard Swans Related Project?
[Nov 22,2004 9:24pm - litacore ""]
get The Body Lovers, Drainland by Gira and Sacrificial Cake by Jarboe. All great
[Nov 22,2004 10:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am a Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal freak, why would you guys be surprised?!

The only time I ever even heard SWANS mentioned in my life is in the NAPALM DEATH video from the early 90's.

[Nov 23,2004 9:46am - litacore in full armour  ""]
Swans body of work runs the gamut. Early work when they were living on Avenue D (imagine Mordor in New York City--then, make it WORSE), is proto-industrial but heavy and depressing as fuck.
[Nov 23,2004 12:32pm - mOe  ""]
I've heard them referred to as Post-Punk so I immediately wrote them off...i dunno maybe they are good..
[Nov 23,2004 1:39pm - powerkok ""]
my friend can carve swans out of ice.
Its super radical.
[Nov 23,2004 4:40pm - reuben ""]
What other gay bands are people into? Joy Division? I love that shit
[Nov 23,2004 5:52pm - phantos ""]
the SWANS are wonderful.
[Nov 23,2004 6:34pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
i like joy division a lot. nothing gay about it. "unknown pleasures" is one of my favorite albums.

hirudinea is probably going to cover the song chilren of god by swans.
[Nov 23,2004 7:37pm - armageddonday ""]
I love Joy Division and Bauhaus, and then New Order, Siouxsie and the Banshees, old Cure...
[Nov 23,2004 11:09pm - litacore ""]
I listen to Coctaeu Twins. and Brodequin. Sometimes in the same sitting
[Nov 24,2004 9:10am - BobDead  ""]
"Cop"..."Raping a Slave/Young God"..."Public Castration is a good Idea"..."Children of God"...get them now.
[Nov 24,2004 9:14am - succubus ""]
reuben said:What other gay bands are people into? Joy Division? I love that shit

umm saying gay and joy division in the same sentence is blasphemy...

they are one of my all time favorite bands

[Nov 25,2004 10:54am - BobDead  ""]
If you like the Swans ...check out a band from France called "Tribe of Circle"...both of their cds "RIEN NE DISPARAIT JAMAIS VRAIMENT"...and The Advent of Redemption" are brilliant...
[Nov 28,2004 11:02pm - lysistrata32 ""]
Dont forget Swans "Holy Money"

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