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since everyone LOVES the manson banner...

[Nov 24,2004 3:35pm - succubus ""]
I am shooting Friday night's show


i know some photographers who got turned down to shoot it...
it's a hard gig and you only get first 2 songs...

[Nov 24,2004 3:39pm - litacore ""]
[Nov 24,2004 5:39pm - succubus ""]
it's gonna be cool
[Nov 24,2004 6:05pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Where is that show?
[Nov 24,2004 6:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Should be cool. for manson.

My friend got a really good shot at one of his shows.
[Nov 24,2004 9:46pm - succubus ""]
thanks d

hope i get a few
[Nov 24,2004 10:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Carina, you know every shot you take is going to be good, stop being modest.
[Nov 25,2004 1:32am - succubus ""]
yeah right
but thanks joe
[Nov 25,2004 1:39am - succubus ""]
wow..just out of curiousity i checked the ticket price and $41!!!
[Nov 25,2004 2:23am - JayTUS ""]

And I agree with Joe, you will do fine. :-P

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