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lj-er arrested for killing mother

[Nov 27,2004 2:52pm - dirteecrayon ""]

heres her last post http://www.livejournal.com/users/smchyrocky/38606.html

[Nov 27,2004 4:37pm - lady_czerach ""]
that's fucked up. but i can't help laughing at the comments people are leaving in her journal.
[Nov 27,2004 8:42pm - Robdeadskin ""]
read this in the paper today..thats funny that this is here...
[Nov 27,2004 8:45pm - the_reverend ""]
hopefully, their mom comes back to life and kills them
[Nov 27,2004 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]
I hereby change the above to "whoah, this is weird... since most livejournalers just slit their own wrists. I WROTE POETRY"
[Nov 28,2004 11:06am - dirteecrayon ""]
current gossip on the mean streets of lj:
-was grounded for getting an 89% on a math test
-she found the daughters wicca books
-and was abusive

but i can't really confirm if it's valid information

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