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The Hoffman brothers kicked out of Deicide!!!

[Nov 27,2004 5:33pm - CNV  ""]
It's true! Tony Lazaro and Dave Suzuki have taken there spots.
[Nov 27,2004 5:44pm - davefromthegrave ""]
holy shit...how long were they there? how many albums?
[Nov 27,2004 5:50pm - powerkok ""]
the hoffmans ARE deicide.
they were there since the beginning.
[Nov 27,2004 5:58pm - CNV  ""]
I guess they cancelled a bunch of tours and Benton and Asheim got fed up. Dave Suzuki and Jack Owen already did a tour with them in Europe...
[Nov 27,2004 6:42pm - dugoxistance  ""]
is this for real? yes the hoffmans are deicide. I thought they started the band.
[Nov 27,2004 6:44pm - dreadkill ""]
this is for real, as far as i know. i read it too. somebody get dave and tony some roids. stat!
[Nov 27,2004 7:50pm - Niccolai ""]
Brian Hoffman is a member of the MCS board and posts pretty frequently, as far as I knew, the hoffman brothers just weren't doing the tour, but I found this.
[Nov 27,2004 8:22pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Kinda figured that would happen..not that i thought the brothers had no work ethic...just that when glen did the new vital album....it was sick..and,....Dave and tony are the only core to vital...so..irronicaly enough it fits to replace the brothers and continue deicide...im ok with that..the new decide( scars) was cool and got back to the roots...but , im ok with decide makin a change and coming up with somthin more...like the new vital with a decide twist...this will be interesting to hear when it goes down....cool for me...!
[Nov 27,2004 8:54pm - CNV  ""]
MCS board?
[Nov 27,2004 9:06pm - ninkaszi  ""]
deicide has pretty much sucked after "once upon the cross" anyway. time to toss in the towel.
[Nov 27,2004 9:10pm - whoremastery ""]
No way...time to change the tune.....
[Nov 27,2004 9:29pm - dyingmuse ""]
deicide might be ok...yaye!
[Nov 27,2004 10:00pm - Niccolai ""]
MCS board - moser custom shop. tis'a luthery (guitar building website) and It's the company that makes brian hoffman's, as well as Tony of vital remain's guitars.
[Nov 28,2004 9:38am - Niccolai ""]
This is The response Brian gave me on the MCS board:

Brian Hoffman said:The bottom line is, the bitterness comes from Glen because he resents the fact that I don't condone his serious drug addiction. When faced with a decision like this it was very difficult for me, expecially after all these years but I really had no choice. There is no reasoning with a person like this and everything Glen Benton said in that interview is false. He showed up once in 6 months while we were writing Scars of the Crucifix and then wrote half the lyrics in the studio AFTER we recorded it and didn't know any of the bass lines so Eric played them! This argument could go back and forth forever but the camera doesn't lie.
I have some hilarious video footage of him in the studio trying to play the songs on the bass. :twisted: I guess now I'll have to dig around for it LOL!
Oh, and as far as cancelling tours Glen cancelled the Super Joint Ritual tour and any other tour he didn't think he could make enough money on.
His addiction is now so bad that he rips off his own band members.
I wish Steve and whoever else who has to deal with this person who has no more bridges to burn, good luck. Mabe they could teach Glen how to play that bass.
As far as the Hoffmans......we are working on a side project and I will continue working on my luthier skills.

[Nov 28,2004 12:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
suzuki and owen are too good for deicide.

I heard about them touring with deicide in europe a few days ago. I can't see them wanting to be in deicide full time.
[Nov 28,2004 1:03pm - dugoxistance  ""]
I thought the guys in Vital Remains were against drug users considering they booted the vocalist on Dawn of the Apocolypse for his problems. And now they're all over Benton's nuts in Deicide as well as Vital? Then again Brian could be lying.
[Nov 28,2004 1:05pm - Robdeadskin ""]
wasn it the brothers that got busted with roids, drugs,and guns goin over the border..or am i mistaken
[Nov 28,2004 2:18pm - dugoxistance  ""]
i think steve and the bigger hoffman were the ones that got busted.
[Nov 28,2004 3:31pm - blue ""]
[Nov 28,2004 4:32pm - armageddonday ""]
I didn't even know he was a drug addict, what the heck is he taking anyway? Not dope, right? What is roids?
[Nov 28,2004 4:35pm - Niccolai nli  ""]
lol steroids. 'muscle enhancers'
[Nov 28,2004 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]
roids = steroids aka the reason then are 10 times the size of me.
[Nov 28,2004 4:37pm - armageddonday ""]
that's bullshit...good thing he has a kid.
[Nov 28,2004 4:45pm - retzam ""]
those guys are fucking HUGE
[Nov 28,2004 6:27pm - malettey ""]
deicide blows
[Nov 28,2004 6:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
Told you...

Jack own: "People have a general confusion as to my status. I quit CANNIBAL CORPSE after 15 years of success and prosperity. No bad feelings, no musical differences. I just needed to move on. Then, they think I have joined DEICIDE, but I am only helping out for this tour and possibly a South American tour in 2005. My full time band is ADRIFT, and there are many discussions on our forum about why I quit CANNIBAL. Check out our website at www.adrift.cc. Drop by the website and drop by a DEICIDE show if you happen to see us coming your way."
[Nov 29,2004 11:11am - paganmegan ""]
Glen Benton is a psycho none of this is too surprising
[Nov 29,2004 11:15am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
paganmegan said:Glen Benton is a psycho none of this is too surprising

that's not far from the truth
[Nov 29,2004 11:24am - litacore ""]
things should start getting interesting, merging Vital with Deicide. Hmmm
[Nov 29,2004 11:26am - blue ""]
yeah, definetly. considering the last vital was light years better than the last deicide.
[Nov 29,2004 11:27am - paganmegan ""]
i am sure it shall be interesting if nothing else

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