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Smoking wierd shit...

[Nov 30,2004 8:26pm - bringbacknh  ""]
What's the oddest thing you have ever smoked? I just recalled when I was 12 I smoked a banana peel with some odd shit in it. When I was eight I would take cigarette butts and twist the tabacco out of them and roll new cigs. Took like 15 butts for one cig. Real gross, but cool as shit when you are 8. Now I smoke tires in my '73 duece.
[Nov 30,2004 9:59pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
ummm weirdest shit i smoked? prolly just those herbal bud things that make you tired, not high.
[Nov 30,2004 9:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
smoked cat nip with my buddies when i was 12, i think. other than that i guess hash would be next.
[Nov 30,2004 10:06pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
hash isn't weird. unless you mean like potato hash. lol
[Nov 30,2004 10:07pm - $ilky  ""]
my friend adam would always roll these massive joints using tampon wrappers for a paper.
[Nov 30,2004 10:32pm - retzam ""]
When I was 10-12ish I smoked pine needles every chance I got, and also tried various spices from my mom's spice rack. My favorite was sage, hell, I'd smoke sage now if I had any, it tastes really good.
[Nov 30,2004 10:34pm - BornSoVile ""]
i consider it weird cause i can never find it. i dunno. smoke coke over weed!!
[Nov 30,2004 10:35pm - retzam ""]
Smoking coke is so black, hahahaha. White people should just snort coke rather than smoke crack, that seems like more of a rap/black culture thing.
[Nov 30,2004 10:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
hey man, that's what happens when you work in the butcher shop at shaw's in milford during the holidays at night and your best friend worships eminem skips school every day and lets you hang out everynight cocked til you pass out on his couch talking with his father about sinatra. believe me, i've been there, that's some weird shit.
[Nov 30,2004 11:10pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahahaha, i imagine it must be. A friend of mine recently had a crack stint. Luckily he got out of it before it was too late, he was only doing it for a month or so.
[Nov 30,2004 11:19pm - dirteecrayon ""]
"i don't smoke crack, crack is for poor people" - whitney houston
[Nov 30,2004 11:20pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
One time I huffed a magic marker after X-ing up

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