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movie: da vinci code

[Dec 1,2004 12:29am - succubus ""]
yeah i said movie..
so i guess ron howard is doing it
and tom hanks just got cast in the lead

i bought the book for aaron and actually read some of it..ought to be interesting
[Dec 1,2004 9:05am - bringbacknh  ""]
Funny, I always pictured Harrison Ford, or Pierce Bronsdon as the lead when reading it. Who are they casting as Sophie? Technically, they should start with Angels and Demons, but it is a lesser know book.
[Dec 1,2004 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
I heard angels and demons was the same exact story and not worth reading once you have read the da vinci code.
[Dec 1,2004 9:48am - paganmegan ""]
Angels and demons is really similar, not as good..
[Dec 1,2004 10:01am - damnose ""]
haha angels and demons. that book just went on and on and on and on and on and on until you wanted to blow up the damn vatican yourself and get it over with
[Dec 1,2004 10:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope I get to play the Pope
[Dec 1,2004 10:04am - damnose ""]
[Dec 1,2004 10:23am - jake  ""]
holy shit thats awesome. i've been waiting for something like this.

although very similar, angels and demons was better than the da vinci code in my opinion.
[Dec 1,2004 10:26am - paganmegan ""]
damnose said:haha angels and demons. that book just went on and on and on and on and on and on until you wanted to blow up the damn vatican yourself and get it over with


I agree
[Dec 1,2004 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
this means I need to finish reading the book.
for some reason I think I'm almost 1/2way though.

the entire tie i've been reading this book, scenes come up and all I can think it that it will make an awesome part of a movie. I can't wait to see the bathroom scene in the first part of the book done in a movie.
[Dec 1,2004 10:29am - succubus ""]
movie will be out in 2006
let's remember to bump this thread after we see it
[Dec 1,2004 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
I'm a slow reader, I'd best get started!
[Dec 1,2004 10:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]

anything is possible in Hollywood
[Dec 1,2004 10:36am - bringbacknh  ""]
damnose said:haha angels and demons. that book just went on and on and on and on and on and on until you wanted to blow up the damn vatican yourself and get it over with

I guess when you are taking a shit while reading it, you don't notice as much (I read the whole book on the can. No not all at once! That's would be a record for the longest shit.)

Digital Fortress dragged on as well, the first 100 pages are character developement, and not real interesting.
Like to see Brown stop doing the twist endings...same with M. Night Shamalan.
[Jan 3,2005 9:23am - the_reverend ""]
man.. the ending of the book was rushed and turned into a love story...
[Jan 3,2005 10:48am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I liked Angels and Demons a little more than Da Vinci Code.
[Jan 3,2005 11:14am - suckreligionNLI  ""]
they should make movies based on the Dark Tower series from Stephen King... especially since the last book finally came out.
[Dec 14,2005 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 14,2005 12:53pm - succubus ""]
nice bump!
[Mar 21,2006 1:26am - CNV  ""]
Dan Brown (author of Da Vinci code) is being sued for stealing the idea for his book from Holy Blood, Holy Grail

Mr Brown resides in Rye, NH
[Mar 21,2006 2:14am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
the gay actor who plays gandalf is a lead in the movie as well.
[Mar 21,2006 3:10am - the_reverend ""]
dan brown lives in rye? paul, that's 1/2 way between our towns...
[Mar 21,2006 3:13am - CNV  ""]

I cannot wait to see the movie that he ripped off from the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail


[Mar 21,2006 7:24am - succubus ""]
CNV said:Dan Brown (author of Da Vinci code) is being sued for stealing the idea for his book from Holy Blood, Holy Grail

Mr Brown resides in Rye, NH

yeah, i heard that on npr!
[Mar 21,2006 8:43am - sinistas ""]
He used the "factual" evidence from HB, HG to propel his storyline. And gave it a mention in the middle of the book. I don't see what the big deal is...It's not like he was attempting to claim that he discovered this information.
[Mar 21,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
Angels and Demons i thought was way better than the Da Vinci code
[Mar 21,2006 11:51am - CNV  ""]
sinistas said:He used the "factual" evidence from HB, HG to propel his storyline. And gave it a mention in the middle of the book. I don't see what the big deal is...It's not like he was attempting to claim that he discovered this information.

I just think it is a case of the authors of HB, HG seeing Dan Brown making millions and want a piece of the pie
[Mar 21,2006 11:59am - sinistas ""]
probably. too bad for them that they aren't novelists...though they did make a lot of money off of holy blood, holy grail and the messianic legacy
[Mar 21,2006 12:09pm - paganmegan ""]
Yeah, but that is not nearly as marketable as a fiction novel to the masses
[Mar 21,2006 12:36pm - sinistas ""]
very true
[May 21,2006 5:10pm - the_reverend ""]
went to see it, but it was sold out. lame.
what's better that doing antichristian things on sunday
[May 21,2006 5:38pm - mcmahon ""]
i saw it last night in CT. I was expecting more from it after all the specials on discovery/history channels. it was decent, despite cramming 2000 years of info into a 3 minute clip and giving tom hanks cheesy one-liners.
[May 21,2006 5:50pm - Jugulator ""]
FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.
[May 21,2006 6:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 21,2006 6:20pm - jon nli  ""]
Jugulator said:FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.

:yoda: i see the darkside is strong in this one. Lame.
[May 21,2006 6:46pm - succubus ""]
Lame indeed ..haha..I can't wait to see it...
[May 21,2006 7:37pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I think I am going to try and see this tonight

I love that the Roman Catholic church is having a hissy fit about this movie... The tides are turning folks... They have a big surprise coming for them, Bwahahahahaha (insane laughter)
[May 21,2006 7:38pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Jugulator said:FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.

Ok ya dolt, this is the movie that could send christianity to the grave
[May 21,2006 8:28pm - brian_dc ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:Jugulator said:FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.

Ok ya dolt, this is the movie that could send christianity to the grave

this movie will not do anything to christianity. First,because it is just a movie and on top of that, the majority of christians (esp Catholics) are in Third World countries. Christianity is only growing in other parts of the world and valuing more and more extremely conservative values than we see Christians in the US.
[May 21,2006 8:59pm - anonymous  ""]
brian_dc said:coldnorthernvengeance said:Jugulator said:FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.

Ok ya dolt, this is the movie that could send christianity to the grave

this movie will not do anything to christianity. First,because it is just a movie and on top of that, the majority of christians (esp Catholics) are in Third World countries. Christianity is only growing in other parts of the world and valuing more and more extremely conservative values than we see Christians in the US.

Well that is your opinion ace... I guess time will tell the truth. Christianity is still the world's most prevailent religion. The catholic church would not call for a boycott if it was not a threat... I have read holy blood, holy grail (the book Dan Brown based his movie on) and studied the history of christianity and I believe 100 percent that this movie will be subversive... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
[May 21,2006 8:59pm - CNV  ""]
brian_dc said:coldnorthernvengeance said:Jugulator said:FUCK THIS GAY MOVIE!!! And fuck Christianity!!! Support horror instead.

Ok ya dolt, this is the movie that could send christianity to the grave

this movie will not do anything to christianity. First,because it is just a movie and on top of that, the majority of christians (esp Catholics) are in Third World countries. Christianity is only growing in other parts of the world and valuing more and more extremely conservative values than we see Christians in the US.

Well that is your opinion ace... I guess time will tell the truth. Christianity is still the world's most prevailent religion. The catholic church would not call for a boycott if it was not a threat... I have read holy blood, holy grail (the book Dan Brown based his movie on) and studied the history of christianity and I believe 100 percent that this movie will be subversive... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
[May 21,2006 9:01pm - CNV  ""]
Feed Pat Robertson and the 700 queers to the fuckn lions

The next 2000 years belong to us 666
[May 21,2006 9:32pm - Jugulator ""]
I'll watch the Omen and the Exorcist over this movie any day
[May 21,2006 9:37pm - CNV  ""]
The Omen and The Excorcist = Christian scare tactics

Great movie nonetheless

[May 21,2006 11:48pm - Murph ""]
Dan Brown borrowed his premise from Holy Blood and Holy Grail, but that book was not only discredited by its authors (although their study of christian history was captivating) and an amazing book by Clive Prince called the Templar Revelation (which Brown raped) because of their reliance on the greatest hoa artist on Earth since DaVinci, a man named Pierre PLantard. I agree the movie will open people up to different ideas, but its about as wrong as Christianity itself. At least alternate views of history can be shared because Christianity suppressed and destroyed so much thought and experience from our human past, and this is why I hate it. But I love me a good fable.
[May 22,2006 12:13am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Murph said:Dan Brown borrowed his premise from Holy Blood and Holy Grail, but that book was not only discredited by its authors (although their study of christian history was captivating) and an amazing book by Clive Prince called the Templar Revelation (which Brown raped) because of their reliance on the greatest hoa artist on Earth since DaVinci, a man named Pierre PLantard. I agree the movie will open people up to different ideas, but its about as wrong as Christianity itself. At least alternate views of history can be shared because Christianity suppressed and destroyed so much thought and experience from our human past, and this is why I hate it. But I love me a good fable.

I agree
[May 22,2006 12:49am - brian_dc ""]
I still stand by the idea that this book/movie could not fell Christianity for all of the reasons that lie in Murph's statement. It is not a powerful enough outlet of what might be a powerful enough message. The risk in a movie and popular book is the fact that people have only the attention span to handle something like what Brown offers, and yes this opens people up to ideas. At the same time, people are very fickle and lazy. Not many people will really pursue any sort of truth because of what is an incredibly watered down movie/book.

I guess I'm just saying that it's incredibly idealistic to believe that this movie will open people up to ideas and compel a substantial mass of people to seek out the truths that a shitty religion destroyed. It'd be great if it did, but I just doubt it. You're right, it's just an opinion.
[May 22,2006 1:28am - craigforacurse nli  ""]
but guys.....TOM HANKS!
[May 22,2006 1:32am - brian_dc ""]
I saw the movie tonight, I thought it was entertaining...pretty much exactly like the book except for the fact that there were videos and audio and actors and shit.
[May 22,2006 6:18am - Murph ""]
b-dub hammers home an important point. Thinking this movie will really puncture Christianity is foolish. However, I do believe its value lies in the fact that so many people have read the book, it is astounding; we are a media driven society however, so in movie form it may have even more power. Yet Christianity will most liekly never die out during any of our lifetimes, do to the fact it has a built in dvice used for survival: provides 99% of its info to the piety, and the other 1% to the laiety...God, it makes me :(
[May 22,2006 8:10am - sinistas ""]
I disliked how watered-down it was, as well as how certain stuff was spelled out. Overall, it was decent. Much prefer the book though.
[May 23,2006 12:58am - succubus ""]
i want to see this movie dammit
[Jun 10,2006 11:48am - the_reverend ""]
well, you got you wish. it's starting as I type
[Jun 10,2006 11:55am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw it, it was better than I thought it would be.

[Jun 10,2006 2:48pm - succubus ""]
yeah we jsut got home from watching it..pretty good!

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