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new Into the Moat

[Dec 1,2004 3:30am - attendmyrequiem ""]
This is the new Into the Moat song. It's fucking sick. I recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Ion Dissonance, PsyOpus, Pillory, etc.

[Dec 1,2004 9:12am - mOe  ""]
This song is really fuckin good. They've just gotten better.
[Dec 1,2004 9:12am - diamond_dave ""]
there were some pretty good parts in there, but goddamnit why does just about every band out there have to have a chugga-chugga breakdown? a band can be totally awesome, but as soon as they do that, it makes me not care anymore. :(
[Dec 1,2004 9:51am - blue ""]
me rikey.
[Dec 1,2004 7:04pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
diamond_dave said:there were some pretty good parts in there, but goddamnit why does just about every band out there have to have a chugga-chugga breakdown? a band can be totally awesome, but as soon as they do that, it makes me not care anymore. :(

i dunno i didn't notice it that much. it didn't seem added to get kids to "fuck shit up" only to create a pretty tense stuccato break.

[Dec 1,2004 7:38pm - stainless ""]
can't wait to hear the rest of this cd, but this song did't punch me in the face like the last cd did, also didn't care for the candiria chugga in the middle but what the fuck do i know. i play in a band called the_notsigned.
[Dec 1,2004 11:24pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
stainless said:but what the fuck do i know.

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