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uglier than St. Anger

[Dec 1,2004 10:52am - litacore ""]





I don't think I'll be eating any lunch today :pukeface:
[Dec 1,2004 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 1,2004 10:54am - paganmegan ""]
[Dec 1,2004 10:54am - paganmegan ""]
you rule
[Dec 1,2004 10:56am - damnose ""]
oh dear. can you find Abbath's childhood photos? wonder if the corpsepaint has been on since birth
[Dec 1,2004 10:56am - assuck ""]
[Dec 1,2004 10:56am - assuck ""]
lars is the girliest looking child ive ever seen
[Dec 1,2004 10:58am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

red x

[Dec 1,2004 10:58am - litacore ""]
assuck said:lars is the girliest looking child ive ever seen


[Dec 1,2004 10:59am - paganmegan ""]
assuck said:lars is the girliest looking child ive ever seen

I was thinking the same damn thing
[Dec 1,2004 11:00am - paganmegan ""]
Dave mustaine looked as snarly and pissed as ever though
[Dec 1,2004 11:00am - paganmegan ""]
hammet looks like shit
[Dec 1,2004 11:01am - assuck ""]
hammet's a fuckin nerd
[Dec 1,2004 11:02am - assuck ""]
litacore said:


i take it back

3RD girliest kid i've ever seen
[Dec 1,2004 11:04am - paganmegan ""]
assuck said:hammet's a fuckin nerd

damn straight hes a fuckin turd snorkler with a surgical attachment to his wah pedal:krusty:
[Dec 1,2004 11:07am - assuck ""]
that sounds about right

and by the way, are you the same megan i gave my Shining pin to?

just wondering
[Dec 1,2004 11:08am - paganmegan ""]
yes that is me. I put it on my guitar strap so I can look at jack nicholsons beautiful shining face while I rip up nasty riffs
[Dec 1,2004 11:09am - assuck ""]
thats fuckin metal right there
[Dec 1,2004 11:10am - paganmegan ""]

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