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Let the joyous celebration of hell begin

[Dec 1,2004 11:51am - litacore ""]
The dark silouette of the creature poised, crouched on the corner
of a cliffs edge waits eagerly, eyes glare patiently. Red eyes
filled with fire and torment gleam in the frenzied brightness
across the shadowed vallies below. A crack of thunder breaks the
deafening silence which once ruled the planes, the creature is
unmoved by the commotion and the noise, and the blinding fork of
lightning which strikes only a few yards from where lays it
wait for something... Satan laughs, wings spread to magnificent
fullness, the creature stands at full glory, inhaling deeply the
ice cold air each tender muscle rippling in the almighty stench
of the great dimentional diety... Lucifer smiles, from the far
far west a chariot of fire emerges travelling at a tremendous
speed toward the creature, the creature laughs as if in an
immense state of frenzy the creature leaps up off the ridge and
hollers with dignity in the now cloudless sky its long red hair
blowing freely in the wind... The chariot emerges and with a
sharp swift movement the creature takes the reigns and flies up
into the night, howling out immortal cries, a prediction of war,
At war with Satan! The warriors gather slowly around The
sacred city, Hell Satan screams a vengance On the land as the
angels fell Tyrants pray disaster for the Land of love and trust
Demons plot a way to turn The Heavens into dust. The standard
bearers chosen From the mass of Satan's dogs To hold the flag of
Hades high Defying all the gods Satan laughs the words of war
The Heavens shake with fear Armageddon sings his song The
battle's ever near. Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin
Who holds the keys to the seven gates? Lucifer's demonic
laughter Assist our quest, Belial prays free from Hell who
serves the master Sound the charge on Sabbaths day. Charge!
Crest the demon's souls Show yourselves in power Angels fear
resist nothing holds the storm Inform the grand master of Hades
Storm the gates! Free from the pits of Hell Slaves emerge the
mountain We shall destroy the accursed Heavens Advance great
legions strong Crush the gates and enter free Our lord of Hell
must take God's throne Heavenly inferno Spread the message
far... Take to the skies! Come on... Frenzied demons -
Angel's cries Lucifer commands the orgy Molten mayhem, one
thousand lies Heaven fails to hold tranquility The brides of
sin are wed Their price, nine holy heads White marble walls
bleed red Fuck the Bastards Come on... God's creation - all
must see Heavens Hell God has fell Sound the knell Where time
and space collide Mortals sit and watch the tide Of Angels
crashing up against the sacred shore Without the holy grail
Only evil can prevail The church of God can't hide the truth no
more Can't see the light no more Light up the skies... The
Demons ring the Sabbath bells Rejoice the witches chant Preper
the sacrafice - by fire The blood runs black through heavens
shell Declare the witches dance Nothing shall suffice The souls
of Christ Drag him through the whores! Come on... Come on...
Orgies filled with joyous laughter Alters of the flesh Equinox
eternal glory El descends in death Satan's empire A new born
flaming star Children screaming out in pain Destroy the priests
Destroy their reign Tyrant pledge the souls of legions Sullen
and remorse Tana turns the key of life To hear the thunder roar
Ancients gather amidst the stars Mortals stare in fear The Earth
is damned beneath the mist A veil of angels tears White clouds
of life are turning black The virgin pure she fears attack Come
on... You are damned... Children of pleasure move appear
amongst us The dark Lord has opened his jaws Raise for Satanic
queen Ye sons and daughters Take heed the flame forever learn
Now is come salvation Strength and the kingdom of our Satanic
majesty You'll always learn! Are you damned in Hell? Damned in
Hell Lilith holds the black heart in her hands The blood flows
Desecration of God's holy shrine Armageddon Hahahahahhahaha
Pandamonium burns in the night The Hell spawn Celebrations at
Sabbats galore Unite with mother whore Take that bitch We shall
not be destroyed... Satan laughs, damnation has sunk its talons
deep into the womb of utopia spilling forth great streams of
virginal purity and bliss. The golden throne of the tetgrammaton
is ablaze, Satanic majesty sits proud, the joyous drones of
celebration enact scenes of blasphemy, lust and destruction.
Raping the holy trinity the Sabbath chimes the tunes of bless
and sanity, the Heavens in their last throes of death. Gabriel
and his arc angels falling ever downwards through the fires of
pandemonium to the dark deserted depths of Hell their broken
bloodstained wings scorched the by raging inferno lay battered
by the shores of the styx. Weary from the battle they seek
refuge, bathing their wounds in the blood of a million matyrs
while celebration ringing in the heavens grows strong the keys
to the seven gates of Hell lie momenterally unguarded. Raging
flames carved by the innocence of the angel's hearts will
release forth their wealth of centuries of God loving souls once
wronged of their destiny of Heaven's golden palace. An unseen
presence breaths never before pangs of mortal hatred and anger
deep into the pounding hearts of the angels. Once more the
creature is summoned to deliver a decleration of war, At war
with Satan! The angels gather slowly around The sacred city
Hell Gabriel screams a vengence of the Land as the angels fell
Matyrs prey disaster for the Land of hate and scorn The Angels
curse the day the antichrist Was ever born...

[Dec 1,2004 11:54am - paganmegan ""]
YES AT WAR WITH SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 1,2004 11:56am - litacore ""]
I don't know why they didn't put the long version of "Warhead" on that CD. I mean come on, the song goes on for like five minutes after that. Pure noise. No Music. Just Noise and Divebombs and Screaming. And that's the best part of the song. Fuck I need a turntable.
[Dec 1,2004 12:09pm - damnose ""]
whoa, awesome. I need to find this song and listen to it while reading Paradise Lost!

Far in the Horizon to the North appeared
From skirt to skirt a fiery Region, stretched
In battailous aspect, and nearer view
Bristled with upright beams innumerable
Of rigid Spears, and Helmets throng'd, and Shields
Various, with boastful Argument portrayed,
The banded Powers of SATAN! hasting on
With furious expedition; for they ween'd
That self same day by fight, or by surprise
To win the Mount of God, and on his Throne
To set the envier of his State
[Dec 1,2004 12:11pm - litacore ""]
hahaha, John Milton is as metal as they come
[Dec 1,2004 12:16pm - damnose ""]
Milton is many evil metalman! Listening to Maiden or Immortal and reading the war between heaven and hell section of PL = battle metal awesome

[Dec 1,2004 12:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
best venom album by far...i have it on gatefold vinyl
[Dec 1,2004 12:30pm - paganmegan ""]
yes, sing the praises of battle metal
[Dec 1,2004 12:35pm - litacore ""]

what Giger said
[Dec 10,2004 11:11am - litacore ""]
bump for Venom
[Dec 10,2004 12:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
i have 7 of their albums on vinyl
[Dec 10,2004 12:26pm - litacore ""]
me too but I don't have a turntable anymore

Venom = HELL YEAH!
[Dec 10,2004 12:29pm - Christraper ""]
Lots of people seem to have something against Venom but im almost always in the mood to listen to them.
[Dec 10,2004 12:41pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Christraper said:Lots of people seem to have something against Venom but im almost always in the mood to listen to them.

There are two kinds of people who don't like Venom. People who think metal should be all technical and complicated, and faggots.
Actually, there's only one kind of person who doesn't like Venom.

[Dec 10,2004 1:14pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Josh_Martin said:Christraper said:Lots of people seem to have something against Venom but im almost always in the mood to listen to them.

There are two kinds of people who don't like Venom. People who think metal should be all technical and complicated, and faggots.
Actually, there's only one kind of person who doesn't like Venom.

Hahaha, I love closedmindedness. no really, I do.
[Dec 10,2004 1:17pm - litacore ""]
even though they've been my favorite band since I was 15 I can still only listen to the stuff with Cronos on it (even the Bon Jovi-hair era "Calm Before The Storm")
[Dec 10,2004 1:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:Josh_Martin said:Christraper said:Lots of people seem to have something against Venom but im almost always in the mood to listen to them.

There are two kinds of people who don't like Venom. People who think metal should be all technical and complicated, and faggots.
Actually, there's only one kind of person who doesn't like Venom.

Hahaha, I love closedmindedness. no really, I do.

Hey, I'm not closeminded. Its ok with me that you're gay.

[Dec 10,2004 1:26pm - Josh_Martin ""]
litacore said:even though they've been my favorite band since I was 15 I can still only listen to the stuff with Cronos on it (even the Bon Jovi-hair era "Calm Before The Storm")

That record had some pretty heavy shit on it. I wouldn't call it Bon Jovi at all. I would call it Venom Halen if anything.

The first non-Cronus record, Prime Evil, wasn't half bad either.
[Dec 10,2004 1:32pm - malettey ""]
litacore said:even though they've been my favorite band since I was 15 I can still only listen to the stuff with Cronos on it (even the Bon Jovi-hair era "Calm Before The Storm")

i couldn't get into "calm..." i don't really like anything they did after the possessed album. the first 3 are my favorites though.
it baffles me that there are people that are so into metal, and actually don't like venom, and disregard their massive influence on all forms of extreme metal: black, doom, death, thrash/speed, whatever... weird people i tell you!!!

Yo BiTcH hAiL vEnOm MuThAfUcKaZ!!!!!!:bow: >:]
[Dec 10,2004 1:35pm - litacore ""]
Josh_Martin said:I would call it Venom Halen if anything.

haha, NICE! :satancross:
[Dec 10,2004 2:01pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
malettey said:it baffles me that there are people that are so into metal, and actually don't like venom


I think Primevil is an ok album... Anyone ever seen the live video with Demolition Man in 1990? It's not as legendary as the Hammersmith vids from 84 and 85 of course, but he did make a good replacement! I think whatever label is exploiting their Mk. II lineup catalog (with the New, Live and Rare DCD and some other shiot) put out a live album of the show as well. I didn't put out too much for the VHS on ebay.

"It's just a soobject!"
[Jan 4,2005 2:32pm - litacore ""]
I heard the new Mantas CD is Metalcore cack. Bummer.

Mykus (Venom's new guitarist) is I believe Mike Hickey (ex-1986 Venom, Post-Amott Carcass), and he is from ATHOL, MASS !!!
[Jan 4,2005 2:33pm - paganmegan ""]
I'm just glad to see this thread is back for my "bored at work" amusement... it seems you are in the same boat today, huh, lita?
[Jan 4,2005 2:33pm - litacore ""]
[Jan 4,2005 2:34pm - paganmegan ""]
and you are always filled with the best venom anecdotes
[Jan 4,2005 2:36pm - litacore ""]
yeah you want to hear my best anecdote?

*drumroll please*

I've never been to a venom concert!

[Jan 4,2005 2:41pm - paganmegan ""]
thats not funny, that just sucks. We need a time machine to take back to '84
[Jan 4,2005 2:45pm - litacore ""]
If I had a time machine I would go to every Venom show
[Jan 4,2005 3:44pm - litacore ""]
Satan, Father
Help me from this grave
Demons, Warriors
Ever be my slaves
'Cause I can't reason
With men and mortal fools
They will die hard,
Hear the golden rule

Die Hard
Legions iron and steel
Die Hard
Men of war reveiled
Die Hard
Captors of the Brave
Die Hard
Die Hard

Sinner, liar
Guard your crown of thorns
Priestess, Parson
Live your life of scorn
I can ride the fires
Of Hell and blasphemy
We can grow strong
Satanic royalty

Evil, angels
Vultures of the night
Ride the wings of Hades
Death is on our side
Furnace burnin' bright
'Cause we ain't getting tired
[Jan 4,2005 3:46pm - paganmegan ""]
nothing like venom quotes to help make it through the work day
[Jan 4,2005 4:03pm - Christraper ""]
heres a venom quote heard in almost every one of their songs

[Jan 4,2005 4:05pm - paganmegan ""]
or the word satan
[Jan 4,2005 4:28pm - litacore ""]
or "unh!"

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