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i have a huge cock

[Dec 4,2004 5:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
sun dec 5th at obreans

shroud of bereavement

21+ $6 @ the door

:point: >:]:whipper::satancross::satancross::doublehorns::doublehorns::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::middlefinger::middlefinger::shocker:

[Dec 4,2004 5:43pm - Robdeadskin ""]
man that cock is huge!!!!!!
[Dec 4,2004 5:45pm - dirtycrayon  ""]
ow my eye!

[Dec 4,2004 5:48pm - succubus ""]
oh dying muse you reminded me of that post you made in the sexual forum on my board
i thought you were going to talk about something similar on here
[Dec 4,2004 6:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 4,2004 7:40pm - anonymous  ""]
will this emormous member be featured in the show?
[Dec 4,2004 7:44pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
^ __THeMoor__
[Dec 4,2004 8:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
8@1/2 inches of screaming pink jesus baby...ohh and go to the show!
[Dec 5,2004 2:58am - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha, almost 90 people looked at this thread...wow, thats a lot of people that are curious about my cock! he he
now if even 10 of you make it to the show ill be happy! and if you all really want to see it, you might get lucky, cause i do put out on the first date>
[Dec 5,2004 4:43am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
you must be this guy

[Dec 5,2004 8:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Just a friendly reminder to bands playing tonight, I will be late because of some after work work related thing I have to go to.
Purp the sound guy knows whats up though and everything will be running smooth.
[Dec 5,2004 12:41pm - anonymous  ""]
no one cres
[Dec 5,2004 12:57pm - fuck you  ""]
Everyone is gay
[Dec 5,2004 12:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
true that!

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