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Movie: Happiness

[Dec 4,2004 11:44pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Though it's a little slow in parts and drags a bit in the middle, this movie is 100% completely fucked up. Sex, fat girls, suicide, masturbation, sex with kids. It's all in there. Recommended viewing.

[Dec 5,2004 12:28am - the_reverend ""]
yes, it's pretty awesome.

"dad, would fuck me?"
"no, I'd rather wack off"
[Dec 5,2004 2:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Mom, there's blood in my BM"!

Twisted (and entertaining) movie.

The scene where Cameron Mainheim is raped by that little Mexican guy is fucked.
[Dec 5,2004 6:55pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha I saw a little less than half of this movie. It's so fucked up.
[Dec 6,2004 11:30am - largefreakatzero ""]
Great movie -- some excellent long rants. Phillip Seymour Hoffman always plays an excellent fucked up loser scumbag. If you like this, see "Welcome to the Dollhouse" by the same director who's name escapes me at the moment.
[Dec 7,2004 2:32am - silky ""]
"I came!'
[Dec 7,2004 10:05am - lynneaus ""]
i saw this movie about 5 years ago or so.... it was disturbing. id be happy if i never had to see it again
[Dec 7,2004 10:07am - paganmegan ""]
its probably worth seeing if it is disturbing, I must check it out
[Dec 7,2004 10:07am - litacore ""]
"storytelling" was on last night

long live scooby!
[Dec 21,2004 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]

[Dec 22,2004 9:19pm - succubus ""]
didn't you post that link elsewhere too?

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