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NILE: New Album Update

[Dec 6,2004 9:37am - litacore ""]


NILE: New Album Update - Dec. 6, 2004

NILE guitarist/vocalist Karl Sanders has issued the following update on the songwriting/recording sessions for the group's new album:

"All the new NILE songs for the new record have been finished writing/arranging for well over a week now — except for the very last song, the big lumbering end-of-the-world-doom-apocalypse-type NILE epic, which we finished Sunday night.

"From now until we enter the studio, we will be playing the songs over and over, getting them insanely tight and full of dark evil malevolent conviction. I can tell folks that so far, the band has really benefitted from all the long hours of rehearsal time we have put in every night with George — the drums are super locked down, which in turn allows Dallas and I and Jon to be cement-tight — and I have not heard us sound this good in years.

"Monday, George, Dallas and I go down to start tracking drums with Neil Kernon and Bob Moore at the Soundlab. Jon will likely be joining us on weekends and evenings as his work schedule permits for drum tracking. We hope to have all the drum tracks finished by December 18th, when we will break for the holidays. The plan is then to reconvene in Columbia January 8th to track everything else, and then mix at RaxTrax in Chicago."
[Dec 6,2004 9:48am - RustedAngel ""]
i love you too.
[Dec 6,2004 9:49am - paganmegan ""]
Nile fucking rules
[Dec 6,2004 9:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Nile is my step-dad
[Dec 6,2004 9:50am - paganmegan ""]

do they beat you like a red headed step child??
[Dec 6,2004 9:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
No, but they touch my private parts like my real dad (trauma concept) use to.
[Dec 6,2004 9:53am - paganmegan ""]

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