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Nasum - Shift

[CD Review:view review]  _________________________________
[Dec 6,2004 6:08pm - Kalopsia ""]
buy it, now
[Dec 6,2004 6:09pm - dreadkill ""]
nasum is the man. that's right, the whole band is the man.
[Dec 6,2004 6:13pm - the_reverend ""]
man is the bastard
[Dec 6,2004 6:31pm - El Justin  ""]
such a good disc, nasum is criminally underrated it seems. they should switch status-spots with a band like pig destroyer.
[Dec 6,2004 6:32pm - the_reverend ""]
my only issue with them is everything is on the boundaries of being over blown. makes it hard to hear what's going on at all.
[Dec 6,2004 6:39pm - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:my only issue with them is everything is on the boundaries of being over blown. makes it hard to hear what's going on at all.

that's mostly only when the blasts come in. but when they groove they're amazing
[Dec 7,2004 8:34am - spitfire ""]
I worship NASUM, I study their alblums like its a history final, and if you can't hear whats going on, your not listening..
[Dec 7,2004 9:10am - George ""]
this dudes definetly have the most overscooped, hard to tell guitar sound out right now.

this is also my favorite grind album i've heard all year. track 18 - closer to the end? rediculous, so good.
[Dec 7,2004 7:08pm - kyledoes  ""]
This album is so fucking good. Helvete is shit compared to this one. Amazing.
[Dec 7,2004 7:51pm - Robdeadskin ""]
I love nasum...but my fav. is human 2.0 ohhh man!!! Helvate is ok...shift is a lot better..but human 2.0 ohhhman!!! oh i said that already!
[Dec 7,2004 9:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
yea Human 2.0 is super hard to beat but goddamnit Shift is close.

i think my ability to listen to grind is attributed to Amon Amarth. i know i know they're not grind in the slightest bit shitheads!!!! STOP HITTING ME!!! HEAR ME OU.............................................................................

anyways, on all of Amon Amarth's recordings with Peter Tagtren as the producer, they had a very raw guitar sound to them, which to the untrained ear (people who don't listen to metal) would have sounded like just pure noise with drums. well i was able to make out what AA was playing and since Grind bands use that same guitar element, Nasum especially, i was able to listen to Grind and know what the fuck was being played. so AA kinda trained me to listen to grind
[Dec 7,2004 9:45pm - kyledoes  ""]
shift can never touch human 2.0 ever.
[Dec 7,2004 9:52pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 8,2004 9:40am - the_rooster ""]
shift is awesome. not as good as human 2.0, but def. better than "helvete". i like tracks 1 and 5 the best.
[Dec 8,2004 9:44am - George ""]
El Justin said:such a good disc, nasum is criminally underrated it seems. they should switch status-spots with a band like pig destroyer.

this confuses me
i do think nasum is underrated, but i think it's primarily because of their guitar sound.
as good as this band is, it IS hard to tell what the guitar players are doing.
i get the impression that people on this board think pig destroyer is overrated, which i think is rediculous. nasum is grind with a good amount of hardcore influence. alot more than people here would like to admit i'd assume. pig destroyer is grind with a shit load of thrash influence.
i think pig destroyer deserves whatever amount of fame they've gathered, because they're doing grind right. not to say that nasum isn't, i love nasum, but it's not nearly as accessable as pig destroyer, recording wise especially.
i didn't like human 2.0 as much as helvete. i like this album alot but i think some of the breakdowns seem kind of forced.
sorry about the rant, i was just thinking about this while working to work last night.
[Dec 8,2004 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
helvete was my fav, I think.
[Dec 8,2004 10:07am - dan.  ""]
helvete is so much better than human 2.0 and this album and most other albums ever
[Dec 8,2004 4:27pm - Bradness ""]
the_reverend said:helvete was my fav, I think.

[Dec 8,2004 4:35pm - armageddonday ""]
It reminds me a lot of the upcoming Rotten Sound.
[Dec 8,2004 4:47pm - ninkaszi  ""]
inhale/exhale is the best, but necrony is better than all nasum.
[Dec 8,2004 4:56pm - kyledoes  ""]
helvete better than 2.o ???!!! what the fuck??
[Dec 8,2004 6:27pm - Kalopsia ""]
all nasum records totally destroy

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