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DAmmit i''m pissed

[Dec 7,2004 8:46pm - metalmatt666 ""]
:satancross: Infernal majesty dropped of the Satyricon bill i wanted to see them god fucking damn:satancross:
[Dec 7,2004 8:49pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Hows that buddhist shit going
[Dec 7,2004 9:11pm - metalmatt666 ""]
not bad but that's beside the point
[Dec 7,2004 9:20pm - Robdeadskin ""]
just asking
[Dec 7,2004 10:09pm - powerkok ""]
This also just in from that tour:
12/7/04: Metalmatt is still very gay. more soon...
[Dec 8,2004 12:33am - tbone_r ""]

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