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oh man this video is fucking HILARIOUS

[Dec 8,2004 12:36am - Kalopsia ""]
work safe

[Dec 8,2004 12:53am - Robdeadskin ""]
I love xxx kill you xxx on!!!!!!!!!!!!! They rock!
[Dec 8,2004 12:56am - Kalopsia ""]
"WOOT!!!!" "WOOT!!!"

anybody who says that is a scenester fag (yea you know who you are..........)
[Dec 8,2004 1:01am - Robdeadskin ""]
i wanna dance it up...they are the rrock!!!
[Dec 8,2004 1:02am - Kalopsia ""]
yea man they totally bring the mosh
[Dec 8,2004 1:05am - Robdeadskin ""]
yea dude....unicorn of a dead zebra mountian trail mix is the sick mosh! man...wickid!!
[Dec 8,2004 4:16am - the_reverend ""]
that video is so old..
but awesome.
RA and I were going to make a death metal version of it.
[Dec 8,2004 9:55am - succubus ""]
yeah! and i was supposed to tape it

[Dec 8,2004 9:56am - succubus ""]
hahaha yeah! and i was supposed to record it

[Dec 8,2004 9:56am - succubus ""]
i psoted and i got an error saying "sorry you can't have an empty message..so i clicked back and it was blank and then i retyped it
[Dec 8,2004 10:08am - damnose ""]
haha i remember this. it's funny because it's true...
[Dec 8,2004 12:46pm - the_rooster ""]
goddamn it!!! i knew someone was following me around with a video camera. now i have proof!!!

"i heart your car" ahhahahahahahaha....
[Dec 8,2004 1:07pm - tbone_r ""]
it's 'rawk'
[Dec 8,2004 7:25pm - sean_streets ""]
and the sad thing is there are really kids out there like that, and most of them go to school with me, fuckin queer bags.
[Dec 8,2004 7:42pm - retzam ""]
hahahahahaha you guys really should make a death metal version
[Dec 8,2004 8:58pm - dan.  ""]
[Dec 8,2004 9:18pm - KeithMutiny ""]
doesnt work for me... dammit
[Dec 8,2004 9:25pm - dan.  ""]
KeithMutiny said:doesnt work for me... dammit

i do not envy you!

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