Digital Audio geek-o-rama![views:1505][posts:7]_________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 1:41pm - litacore ""] ok, this is now part of my work [img] it'll be on a Windows PC but that hasn't arrived yet, I'm siked though. I'll be editing spoken word files, mostly have you guys worked with this model at all? They have a new one "Traveller" which is also Firewire, and looks a bit more amenable to practice space recording if enough people respond I won't feel like such a schmoo please list yer gear, platform, software, and war stories if any :stupidflanders: |
_________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 1:45pm - litacore ""] oh also my shit at home = Mac G4 400mhz, currently OS 9.2 but I'll obviously have to upgrade to OSX and Venom-ize the CPU if I want to delve into any of this for my band |
____________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 1:56pm - RustedAngel ""] sweet, looks pretty sick, how much? I just got an sm57 and a firewire solo which will be good enough to get my n00b ass started.... This is all I've recorded with it so far using the drum track I programmed a few weeks ago. (it's only 860kb!) engl >> 1960a >> sm57 >> firewire solo >> pc >> acid pro (keep in mind I know nothing about mic placement, levels, or any of that shit yet, was also recorded at a low volume) |
_________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 2:06pm - litacore ""] that thing runs around 700 or so the Digital Performer software about 400 |
_________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 2:20pm - Aegathis ""] Any samples yet Litacore of what those things you got can do yet? Ive already heard what the firewall solo can do with acid and an sm57 and Im already seriously considering one of those things. |
_________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 2:22pm - litacore ""] do you mean the Motu mk828 or my home gear? I haven't been able to use the unit yet (heh-heh, she said unit) because the PC hasn't arrived yet |
___________________________________ [Dec 8,2004 4:29pm - HANDINJURY ""] Im not sure if you can run Digital performer on windows. Check in to that. (the moto mk- 828 is a nice unit thou.) |
__________________________________ [Dec 13,2004 2:12pm - litacore ""] I'm a Mac grrl so at any rate down the road I'll probably pick up whatever is best for metal I'll start a seperate thread on software (a poll perhaps) |