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Lacuna Coil's Cristina Scabbia talks in-depth on their recent Ozzfest outing! (on FYE.com featuring my pics)

[Dec 15,2004 11:24am - succubus ""]
[Dec 15,2004 12:00pm - josiah_the_black ""]
nice goin carina
[Dec 15,2004 12:47pm - succubus ""]
thank you =)
[Dec 28,2004 4:58pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 28,2004 5:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
wow, what a babe! did you have the pleasure to talk to her in Italian?
[Dec 28,2004 5:37pm - Justin ACR  ""]
she looks weird w/ no makeup, but either way, i dont giva fuck

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