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Thyrfing: yay or nay?

[Dec 17,2004 3:18pm - litacore ""]

Epic Viking Metal, huh. Sounds like my cup of mead. I don't want to lose 16 bucks though if the vocals are all melodic and poofy. These guys any good?
[Dec 17,2004 3:25pm - Christraper ""]
well......i dunno...i havent heard this album before. i think i heard the one that came out before it and honestly i got bored. it seemed a little too clean cut with the dimmu production and all...but thats just me. The vocals were still harsh but the music seemed too power metal to be viking.
[Dec 17,2004 3:27pm - litacore ""]
noted. thanks!
[Dec 17,2004 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]
clean cut? eat a dick.
I really liked the last cd.
sounds nothing like dimmu in production at all.
[Dec 17,2004 3:43pm - litacore ""]

awright! Geatish hero reaffirms his task!

I hope they include the part with Grendel's Mom
[Dec 17,2004 3:44pm - paganmegan ""]
grendel's mom is your lyrical topic to handle, larissa
[Dec 17,2004 3:45pm - paganmegan ""]
thyrfing is a great band name
[Dec 17,2004 3:49pm - litacore ""]
as long as the vocals aren't clean then I'll check it out. Clean vocals on something like Amon Amarth would totally fuck it up
[Dec 17,2004 3:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't remember any clean vocals at all on the newest cd.
[Dec 17,2004 3:52pm - litacore ""]
good. leave the melody to the Michael Jacksons of the world

(haha, jk-->maiden is the most notable exception)
[Dec 17,2004 3:53pm - Christraper ""]
the_reverend said:clean cut? eat a dick.
I really liked the last cd.
sounds nothing like dimmu in production at all.

i only heard that one with the Tyrfing logo in the center over some sunny valley or something and i got bored with it right away. I thought the keyboards were really off-putting.
[Dec 17,2004 4:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Dec 17,2004 4:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I compare their latest cd with the latest marduk... minus the gay parts.
[Dec 17,2004 4:08pm - Abbath ""]
these guys fucking rule, i love viking metal

they do have clean vocal parts but their more epic and more yelling type
i've been listening to their first two albums all week
[Dec 17,2004 4:09pm - Christraper ""]
the_reverend said:I compare their latest cd with the latest marduk... minus the gay parts.

when did this happen? the album i heard didnt sound anything like marduk. or maybe the new marduk doesnt sound like marduk.....

[Dec 17,2004 4:18pm - the_reverend ""]
vocalwise. the new cd is harsher.
I don't remember any clean vocals... but I just might not be thinking clearly now. I also can't find the new cd to see what it sounds like.

the closes dimmu production to it, I would saw is stormblast.. but that's just my oppinion.
[Dec 17,2004 4:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
They have some ALMOST claen vocals in the new one. "What are we fighting for? Youth of the north" or something. that part.
[Dec 17,2004 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like I need to go back to school, eh?
[Dec 17,2004 4:27pm - litacore ""]
too cool for school, fuck that
[Dec 17,2004 4:35pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, my copy is at school, UNH where WUNH is.
[Dec 17,2004 7:28pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i'm gonna go with yay

even if the vocals are clean, epic viking metal is something not to be passed up.
[Dec 18,2004 1:35am - Jellyfish ""]
swamplorddvm said:Yay.

for shizzle.

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