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I hate metal core

[Dec 19,2004 1:49am - dyingmuse ""]
fucking headbanger's ball....it's all fucking mall core and hair bands!
Is it me or does every fucking metalcore band sounds the same?
I guess it's just the next money wagon to jump on....even fucking in flames went that way!:gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:

where is the originallity?
[Dec 19,2004 1:54am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
ya man i just watched that episode that sucked. something else that's funny was i was thinkin how the In Flames singer looks and acts like the singer of korn and then they played that gay ass korn cover of Floyd! and my personal opinion on metal core is not that all of it sucks, the MAJORITY does suck but if they would steer away from that same formula of breakdowns and tried writing songs for themselves and not the "pitters" some shit could turn out good, let me reiterate SOME
[Dec 19,2004 2:04am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
one other thing tho, no band and i mean no band that is doing the hatebreed, terror, throwdown, full blown chaos, a perfect murder, etc...type music will ever be original or sound different ever, if every one of those bands each put one song on a compilation cd and didn't list their names, it would be the new hatebreed. it baffles my mind how people can listen to one of those bands and be like" I haven't heard a breakdown like that before! That was original and/or fresh!"
[Dec 19,2004 2:25am - moran ""]
dyingmuse said:
Is it me or does every fucking metalcore band sounds the same?

where is the originallity?

The same can be said about all forms of music.
[Dec 19,2004 2:27am - ja ja pina  ""]
oh no all the breakdowns sound the same well duh of course its a breakdown every song cant be all complex to fuck and have 50 million riffs and ya know what thats the point of hardcore, its 'spose to be simple and fun, most hardcore bands started as punk cover bands or off of punk bands, and to say all hardcore sounds the same is kinda not a good argument because as a person who use to listen to metal i have to say alot of dm and bm sounds the same, and the reason i stopped listening to metal is because it got boring and shows are boring and the lyrics are all fake and all about death and murder, hardcore shows are more fun for many reasons, lyrics for some songs are positive and some are negetive. dont stereotype hardcore just because metal is stereotyped and fyi im not scene or fashioncore, i like more of the old-school and boston hardcore scene
[Dec 19,2004 2:57am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
well i'm all for the positive lyrics, writing about real shit and having fun, but if you really want to break it down on those aformentioned bands i was mainly refering to the vocals in which there is no variation. the same can be said for a lot of death metal yes, but metal is a lot more than just death. as far as instruments go, you can't even compare metal to hardcore. if you want something simple because you think it's fun, cool listen to hardcore, but to say metal is boring? come on now metal is all about pushing your skills to the fullest and best trying to reach a new level when possible. metal musicians spend a lot of time honing their skills and attempting to create music that has intelligence, depth, and feeling. and you stopped going to shows because they were boring? what bands did you go see? metal bands are just as intense as hardcore, the only difference is the singer actually does the singing, not the audience. definetly not boring. and no one in this thread stereotyped hardcore, remember the title of the thread? and also the bands i listed are bands that sound the same plain and simple. at any rate, i didn't write this to "burn" you or something stupid to that effect, i think people on both the "hardcore" and "metal" side both stereotype each other and it sucks. i like all forms of heavy music. ok sure genres can give me an idea what a band sounds like, but all bands do nowadays is categorize themselves before they've even written any music. just write your music and if it sucks it sucks if it doesn't then all the power to you. it's almost 3 in the morning and this post is way too long but fuck it. hopefully someone will get what i am trying to say. just get drunk, go to shows and HEADBANG!
[Dec 19,2004 4:37am - dan.  ""]
metalcore: GAY
[Dec 19,2004 7:58am - mike.........  ""]
there is still some cool metalcore, it all isnt just that as i lay dying garabge. i know some people might put these bands in other genres but i would consider these bands that rule metalcore-

majority rule
ed gein
morning again
dire straits
[Dec 19,2004 9:16am - MASlayer  ""]
Here's another thing I noticed...back in the 80's, bands like Winger wanted to "look cooler" by wearing Sacred Reich and Danzig TS on stage and for photo shoots...I see a trend where these wannabe bands wear Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth and Dio shirts for some "metal cred" or something. These metalcore bands have really tapped into the style so much there isn't one distinguishable band from another...just like glam metal. If there was some originality maybe it wouldn't be as bad but it might as well be one band with different faces for the most part.
[Dec 19,2004 11:01am - thornnvine ""]
some one correct me please if I'm wrong, but.... 15+ years ago I was listening to a handful of very good "hardcore" bands mixed into my crust and metal, negative approach to go even further back, infest, rorschach, crossed out, all that early slap a ham shit, well I guess there was a grindcore bleed over in there too and I could go on, but it seems like that was the peek and hardcore has never excelled beyond the late eighties and early 90's imho. I don't listen to hardcore, but it seems like hardcore has taken a plunge for 15 years. It just doesn't inspire me at all....yawn......oh, I remember moshing back then, but where and when did those stupid dance moves come in? Don't answer that, I don't care. All genre's of music sound the same on a basic level, blues, regge, rap/hip hop, country, death metal, blah, blah, ..... it's originality and creativity that makes a band or artist stand out in their own genre. There can be only one James Brown, one Bob Marley, one Johnny Cash, one NWA, one Dissection, but there can be 20,000 hatebreeds and Killswitchs and 50,000 within the frayes....
[Dec 19,2004 11:04am - tbone_r ""]
a life once lost-mouth for the speechless, or something like that. it's like umbrella, but not quite as good. umbrella was awesome, they need to come back
[Dec 19,2004 11:05am - adam_time ""]
wow, your vagina still hurts thornnvine?
[Dec 19,2004 11:17am - sean_streets ""]
everyone should just not play music anymore, i believe that what these "back in the day"s are saying, so everyone starting now, burn all of your cd's that rip off anyone else, even the slightest bit. cuz we can't possibly have any bands that sounds somewhat alike. you make me laugh.
[Dec 19,2004 11:21am - thornnvine ""]
adam time, your whinning is unbecoming.
[Dec 19,2004 11:27am - thornnvine ""]
my tenants run a hardcore record label and own a hardcore record shop downtown Providence. I'll be sure to put in a good word for your band.
[Dec 19,2004 11:42am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
you know whats funny? jamie jasta tuff guy hit on my brothers at the time girlfriend and he chased jamie around in snowy manchester CT weilding a golf club. this was before hatebreed made it big and stopped playing CT. it was hilarious
[Dec 19,2004 11:45am - dreadkill ""]
i hate metalcore too. every genre has its good bands and imitators, but metalcore is the most oversaturated, generic thing going right now. i saw on blabberrmouth today that there's a side project from some soulfly goon who was in ill nino. i listened to it to see how bad it was, and there were so many gothenburg riffs in there. all these kids are going to go "whoa! that blew my fuckin mind! i've never heard such awesomeness!" this dude will get richer while dark tranquillity gets no recognition from these metalcore fags and half the riffs are ripped off from dt.
[Dec 19,2004 1:31pm - sean_streets ""]
ive heard that, and that shit sucks. i should rip it off. how bout them patriots, eh?
[Dec 19,2004 3:14pm - dan.  ""]
why does america have to gay everything up
[Dec 20,2004 9:51am - paganmegan ""]
dyingmuse said: fucking headbanger's ball....it's all fucking mall core and hair bands!
Is it me or does every fucking metalcore band sounds the same?
I guess it's just the next money wagon to jump on....even fucking in flames went that way!:gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:

where is the originallity?

In Flames got so sucky:pukeface: Horrible:pukeface:
[Dec 20,2004 12:28pm - adam_time ""]
in flames was never as good as soilwork... but both bands suck now.
[Dec 20,2004 12:33pm - litacore ""]
how could anybody boner over such mediocrity. Fuck, I'll just never understand
[Dec 20,2004 12:37pm - Aegathis ""]
Only metalcore band i can say i like is Summers end from Maryland. They throw in some testament style riffs alot as well as solos. Reminds me of the 80s, but thats just me Im sure, not just music wise but just being alive back then i guess, haha makes no sense.
[Dec 20,2004 12:39pm - paganmegan ""]
Because they just don't know any better
[Dec 20,2004 12:41pm - the_reverend ""]
inflames didn't go metalcore.
they went new metal.

plus, anyone that doesn't like seven day curse should be shot.
[Dec 20,2004 12:51pm - litacore ""]
the ONLY saving grace of nu metal is that it can be a doorway to better shit for kids who don't have hip parents or siblings
[Dec 20,2004 12:57pm - paganmegan ""]
as long as it serves as a door way to real metal, rather than a door way to a life long infatuation with the dung heap of the music world
[Dec 20,2004 1:02pm - litacore ""]
haha, yeah I mean one of the main reasons it seems to me why nu metal made such inroads is distribution to suburban and rural Wal-marts

and also MTV Headbangers Ball is to blame. But Jeremy Jasta is on it, what do you expect. Hatebreed don't know their dicks from their asses, GOD I hate that caca
[Dec 20,2004 1:15pm - paganmegan ""]
I second that - I hate that caca
[Dec 20,2004 2:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I third-ded that-I aslso hate that caca. I like poop though.
[Dec 20,2004 2:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
it's all caca
[Dec 20,2004 2:56pm - litacore ""]
watching Jeremy Jasta try to interview Arch Enemy on MTV was pretty painful, but that's a whole other tangeant

let's see...maybe I should start talking about things I DO like!
[Dec 20,2004 3:40pm - josiah_the_black ""]
like puppies and warm naps
[Dec 20,2004 4:38pm - salty_fist ""]
the_reverend said:

plus, anyone that doesn't like seven day curse should be shot.

Yes! Seven Day Curse was wicked good.

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