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Movie: Lemony Snickets: A Series of Unfortunate Events

[Dec 20,2004 11:09am - succubus ""]
we went to see it yesterday..
it was definitely not a movie about a happy elf

the kids who acted in it were awesome
all so adorable

it's a family movie and there were a lot of kids in the audience...but they were quiet for the most part so i guess that means they enjoyed it too

although i gotta say the people behind us annoyed me a tad...good thing i was too drawn into the movie to really pay attention to them.
[Dec 20,2004 11:10am - the_reverend ""]
it was pretty good. I liked the animation at the end.
reminded me of mystery theatre's beginning.

the one thing they should have done, not had jude law in it.
I hate that guy's crappy accent.
[Dec 20,2004 11:13am - succubus ""]
i like his accent and recognized it right away..anyhow..not like you can see him
[Dec 20,2004 11:16am - Christraper ""]
It definitely didnt stick with the books but i thought it was a worth seeing. I would have enjoyed it alot more if there wasnt an entire city of Puerto Ricans behind me speaking what can only be described as NOT FUCKING ENGLISH through the entire movie.
[Dec 20,2004 11:19am - succubus ""]
i never read the books but i hate when people talk..you should have told them to shut up
[Dec 20,2004 11:35am - Christraper ""]
i did. i think only one of them spoke english.
[Dec 20,2004 2:12pm - silky ""]
I went to see it last night, as well. It was alright, it was no "team america: world police", but it was at least visually appealing. I was talking through the entire thing, while my girlfriend farted up a storm.
[Dec 20,2004 3:43pm - josiah_the_black ""]
girls dont fart
[Dec 20,2004 4:17pm - Christraper ""]
oh yes they do!!!!
[Dec 20,2004 8:10pm - ArrowHead ""]
I haven't gone to the movies in a long time because of fucktards talking behind me throughout the movie.

Actually, it was more because of my being escorted out of the theater for lighting my empty soda cup on fire, and throwing it over my shoulder at said fucktards who were talking through the movie.

So I ask you: Who was wrong in that situation?!
[Dec 21,2004 7:55am - succubus ""]
not you!
[Dec 21,2004 9:04am - b00bies  ""]
Kid flick!
[Dec 22,2004 7:53pm - succubus ""]
it was good though
[Dec 23,2004 12:21am - mark fucking richards  ""]
definitely an awesome movie. i do agree, it was no team america...but that's like comparing apples and oranges.

next time a puerto rican needs to shut up, say "usted cayese, serote." not sure if that's correct spelling, but say it like "oo-sted kye-yessay, seh-roh-tay." that means shut up, you piece of shit. oh the wonderful things i learn from my hispanic girlfriend
[Dec 23,2004 1:12am - succubus ""]
hahaha nice
[Dec 26,2004 5:51pm - shatteredliz ""]
The soundtrack is on Sony!

Your loving Sony whore

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