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what are you doing on christmas eve?

[Dec 21,2004 9:46am - succubus ""]
Before i moved to the US we would always get together on the evening of the 24th and have a huge dinner and stay up until midnight and then open gifts...

it was always a big deal..

then i moved here...and nothing...

does anyone here do anything that day?

[Dec 21,2004 9:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
Wasting a day off visiting people when I could be ice-fishing.
[Dec 21,2004 9:55am - the_reverend ""]
ice-fishing is so gay.. with that said, I was ice-fishing almost every frozen weekend from when I was born until I was around 10-ish when I fell into a hole.

I will be with succubus, my brother, my mom, my brother's gf, and my mom's husband at my mom's house.
[Dec 21,2004 9:56am - Josh_hates_you ""]
working. only 3-6 though. what the fuck is the point of a 3 hour shift on christmas eve? exactly, just to piss me off.
[Dec 21,2004 10:06am - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:ice-fishing is so gay.. with that said, I was ice-fishing almost every frozen weekend from when I was born until I was around 10-ish when I fell into a hole.

I will be with succubus, my brother, my mom, my brother's gf, and my mom's husband at my mom's house.

Ice-fishing is not gay. Not looking where you are going and falling into a hole is gay.
[Dec 21,2004 10:10am - succubus ""]
why not start the day ice fishing if it's something you want to do?

[Dec 21,2004 10:11am - the_reverend ""]
what about dropping your cousin's knife in a hole?
[Dec 21,2004 10:13am - the_reverend ""]
what about cutting the heads off pickerel and then playing with the heads until one of the heads bites your finger and then you bleed?
[Dec 21,2004 10:14am - succubus ""]
what about telling me when i can get the gift in the car?
check yer messages...
[Dec 21,2004 10:15am - largefreakatzero ""]
succubus said:why not start the day ice fishing if it's something you want to do?

Can't -- full day of clusterfucks. Taking off in the AM would not go over well with my better half.
[Dec 21,2004 10:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:what about cutting the heads off pickerel and then playing with the heads until one of the heads bites your finger and then you bleed?

Well Aaron, that is somewhat metal! Reminds me when I was trolling on the Big Lake and my buddy was slicing a salmon that we caught to bleed it out. The fish's aorta then started pumping out spurts of blood and he was laughing hysterically. Ahhhh, fun at the expense of Mother Nature...
[Dec 21,2004 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
who would have thought the kid that loved to fish and sadistically act apon fish would turn in to some hippie shit veggie?
must have been the farm life... I think watching turkeys begin killed and then having to pluck them did it. man, plucking turkeys is the worst smell ever. I need to update that smells thread.
[Dec 21,2004 10:26am - succubus ""]
largefreakatzero said:succubus said:why not start the day ice fishing if it's something you want to do?

Can't -- full day of clusterfucks. Taking off in the AM would not go over well with my better half.

aww well i'm sorry...
not even if you wake up REALLY early?
hopefully you'll get a day to do it soon!

[Dec 21,2004 10:41am - Christraper ""]
drinking and being extremely polite to my girlfriends family
[Dec 21,2004 10:42am - SuperFly ""]
sitting home alone getting drunk and depressed.
[Dec 21,2004 10:46am - PilloryDan@work  ""]
I'll be going to Foxwoods....If it is open...My family is in Albuquerque and I'm not going to take that trip this year.....
[Dec 21,2004 10:47am - Bestial0nslaught  ""]
I'm going to smoke a fatty, then he's gonna give it to me from behind.
[Dec 21,2004 12:40pm - succubus ""]
he who?
is this really bestial0nslaught...
it's spelled differently

i don't think it is!
[Dec 21,2004 12:47pm - SuperFly ""]
i believe you are correct, this "BO" is a fraud.
[Dec 21,2004 12:49pm - ram_girl ""]
Hmmm, he also made the comment (below) in the Worst Bathroom thread (just not seem like him)....

post by Bestial0nslaught at Dec 21,2004 10:40am

When I give head any bathroom will do.
[Dec 21,2004 12:53pm - SuperFly ""]
this is someone with an axe to grind. also, i dont believe the real "BO"
gets up that early.
[Dec 21,2004 2:12pm - METALMATT666 ""]
[Dec 21,2004 3:43pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
going to church.. then having pre marital sex, and drinking my face off
[Dec 21,2004 3:46pm - dreadkill ""]
my christmas shit starts on thursday night. my gf is coming up and we are going out drinking with some of my friends and their broads, then on christmas eve we are going to my grandmother's house, and on christmas day, we are going to my gf's place.
[Dec 21,2004 3:53pm - DIIIIIIIIICK  ""]
Lifting weights and smoking pot.
[Dec 21,2004 5:31pm - god ""]
christmas eve- preparing for my son's birthday
christmas- celebrating my son's birthday
day after- boxing day
[Dec 21,2004 5:54pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
i get to wake up at about 5 am, work 6 am to about 2 pm, cash my check, send it all away for a car payment, then eat tons of awesome food at my aunt's house. the day after christmas i'm going to arizona for a week. WOOHOO!!!
[Dec 22,2004 1:53pm - succubus ""]
god said:
day after- boxing day

are you canadian?


[Dec 22,2004 2:09pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Dec 22,2004 2:14pm - succubus ""]
good luck...it will be a nightmare...and stores close early
[Dec 22,2004 4:03pm - Christraper ""]
Ok so i guess my girls family who ill be giving up my room for arent coming up untill xmas day so ill probably just smoke and go to sleep the night before.
Xmas day ill sleep as long as my girlfriend will let me and then ive got band practice that night. And by band practice i mean ill be getting wasted with the guys in my band at the band space.
[Dec 22,2004 4:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
DIIIIIIIIICK said:Lifting weights and smoking pot.

[Dec 22,2004 4:41pm - Lincoln ""]
Partying at the pad......a little drinking, a little smoking....and of course a shitload of food!!!!
[Dec 22,2004 5:51pm - .b.  ""]
Eating, drinking, getting stoned, having butt sex and opening gifts BOOYAH BABY!
[Dec 22,2004 6:46pm - retzam ""]
Working from 9 to 5:30 then seeing a movie (either Polar Express or A Series Of Unfortunate Events).
[Dec 22,2004 6:56pm - succubus ""]
i want to see Meet the Fockers
[Dec 22,2004 7:06pm - FuckTheTrend ""]
i'm getting drunk with my parents and their neighbors in NH. any shows in NH this weekend??
[Dec 22,2004 7:29pm - retzam ""]
Meet The Fockers was the other one I wanted to see.
[Dec 22,2004 7:53pm - succubus ""]
aaron saw most of meet the parents but only once it was on TV...i don't think he's into seeing meet the fockers but hopefully we'll get to see it

oh and i can't wait for white noise ... i know i made a separate thread for up coming movies you want to see...

i'm going to bump it!

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