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someone came to my desk...

[Dec 21,2004 1:32pm - succubus ""]
and he is always asking me for help with things..

i do go above and beyond...

anyhow after he left my desk, while he's walking away and down the hall already ...he said thanks for your help, i left you a little something..

and there were 2 bottles wrapped up


[Dec 21,2004 1:35pm - dirteecrayon ""]

[Dec 21,2004 1:46pm - succubus ""]
and i think i'm going to leave work in 15 minutes have a drink...hmmm what's good for a sore throat?
[Dec 21,2004 1:47pm - ram_girl nli  ""]
you think.......umm, you know....work paying for drinks, free food and your still getting paid....what to think about!
[Dec 21,2004 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 21,2004 1:49pm - succubus ""]
seriously, what should i get?

[Dec 21,2004 2:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 21,2004 2:15pm - succubus ""]
yeah but yer not here...

[Dec 21,2004 7:44pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Dec 21,2004 7:48pm - dugoxistance  ""]
hahaha. i thought it read "someone came on my desk."
[Dec 22,2004 8:58pm - succubus ""]
wait a minute..now that would have been gross!
[Dec 22,2004 11:18pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus said:hahahaha
wait a minute..now that would have been gross!

yes but it still would have been funny
[Dec 22,2004 11:32pm - the_reverend ""]
fudgie nut butter cum cakes!
[Dec 23,2004 1:05am - succubus ""]
Kalopsia said:succubus said:hahahaha
wait a minute..now that would have been gross!

yes but it still would have been funny

even if it happened to you?

doubt it

[Dec 23,2004 7:33am - Kalopsia ""]
i don't have my own desk, HA
[Dec 23,2004 8:43am - succubus ""]
ok then if someone came on your dashboard..

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