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attn: retzam

[Dec 21,2004 6:13pm - succubus ""]
got any time to play dominoes?

i hate playing with strangers..
most seem like old perves wanting to chat


i am making corn chowder from scratch to bring in for a work potluck tomorrow..but let me know when/if you can play

i'll prolly be ready a little later on
[Dec 21,2004 9:16pm - retzam ""]
Shit, no I can't, sorry, I said "take a hike" to sleep last night, or so to speak, so I want to get to bed really early tonight so i'm not dead in the morning, so I'm literally about to shower and sleep.
[Dec 21,2004 9:45pm - succubus ""]
it's cool, i just got a call from a magazine and they want my pics so i'm working on that anyhow =)
[Dec 22,2004 7:53pm - succubus ""]
curses! foiled again!
[Dec 22,2004 9:24pm - succubus ""]
i'm home
[Dec 23,2004 1:10am - succubus ""]
no games tonight

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