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Goatwhore broken up?

[Dec 27,2004 1:01am - Aegathis ""]
According to this ebay auction they are : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&item=4062751962&fromMakeTrack=true

I know they were having some difficult times with theyre new drummer and what not, but where the hell did this come from? Any one know if this person listing this item is for real?
[Dec 27,2004 1:05am - Blue ""]
this better not be fucking true.
[Dec 27,2004 2:41am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it's not true, the bass player beat the fuck outta the drummer and they're just trying to figure what to do now and Ben is doing a new Soilent Green record so i'm sure the process is gonna be slow, plus Goatwhore just got signed to MetalBlade and is gonna pick up Rotten Records something Ben's needed help with since he got into the accident. so lies all lies !
[Dec 27,2004 4:37am - DaveSTF ""]
GODDAMN this band is amazing.
[Dec 27,2004 8:51am - RustedAngel ""]
and a .99 cent ebay auction is credible how?
[Dec 27,2004 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I was trying to get Rotten Records to distro notcommon before, I guess thats out of the question now.
[Dec 27,2004 12:06pm - BornSoVile ""]
yes, what www said is totally true.
[Dec 27,2004 12:49pm - armageddonday ""]
[Dec 27,2004 4:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
well yeah i only love that band i've seen them in several different states furtherest away was NC, interviewed Ben and Sammy 5million times and even have the jager goat and the angel tattood on me.

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