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"Goth" chicks

[Dec 27,2004 2:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I was on myspace and I saw this "goth" chick, so I took a look. Even if she wasnt the hottest of females there was still something hot about her. I don't know just what it is. maybe its the hair, the clothes or what but something about MOST "goth" chicks... damn, yo.:shocked::satancross:

I know I'm not alone on this.

ps. Yes, I know many of them are fat and there tastes in music sucks but I'm not talking about that.
[Dec 27,2004 2:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
I know what you mean. Some of them are pretty gorgeous, but then if you take off the makeup and put them in normal clothing would you still find them attractive?

Also, most only like shitty industrial and they go to manray in boston to get their slut on. Not really the type of girl to bring home to mommy. ;)
[Dec 27,2004 2:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hahah but manray is a good place for skanky "goth" chicks.
[Dec 27,2004 2:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
but they like to dance to bad music.

if not that, then they like to stomp on guys penis's, cut themselves, be depressed, and have issues.
[Dec 27,2004 2:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
RustedAngel said:but they like to dance to bad music.

if not that, then they like to stomp on guys penis's, cut themselves, be depressed, and have issues.

I've dealt with the last three things. It seems unavoidable for me.
[Dec 27,2004 2:32pm - xjohnvanveenx  ""]
what girl are you talking about lets see
[Dec 27,2004 2:51pm - FuckTheTrend ""]
the last goth chick i was with tried to slit my wrist while we were fucking. i have a scar on my arm now
[Dec 27,2004 3:03pm - korpse-l- ""]
you should've punched her in the throat, they like that
[Dec 27,2004 3:05pm - FuckTheTrend ""]
i took the razor and sliced her tit
[Dec 27,2004 3:11pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's a scientific fact that all fat chicks display Goth tendencies, also the thinner a goth guy the fatter his goth girlfriend.
[Dec 27,2004 3:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:It's a scientific fact that all fat chicks display Goth tendencies, also the thinner a goth guy the fatter his goth girlfriend.

[Dec 27,2004 3:37pm - Blue ""]
so true. 90% of those goth girls have serious issues. but damn they can bey cute.
[Dec 27,2004 3:50pm - tbone_r ""]
i bet the cute ones would be cuter in regular clothes.
[Dec 27,2004 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Blue said:so true. 90% of those goth girls have serious issues. but damn they can bey cute.

huh? if 99.999% of girls have serious issues, how can goths only have 90%?
[Dec 27,2004 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
d00dz, cutting is serious
[Dec 27,2004 4:18pm - Blue ""]
tr00, tr00.
[Dec 27,2004 7:46pm - retzam ""]
tbone_r said:i bet the cute ones would be cuter in regular clothes.

[Dec 27,2004 7:50pm - dan.  ""]
FuckTheTrend said:the last goth chick i was with tried to slit my wrist while we were fucking. i have a scar on my arm now

i took the razor and sliced her tit

good story! seriously!
[Dec 27,2004 7:54pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha yes very good story.
[Dec 27,2004 11:39pm - IntricateProcess ""]
i would love to throw a fucking bomb in the manray. that place is fahking ghey
[Dec 28,2004 12:38am - malettey ""]
goth chicks are fucking stupid. all the black makeup and spooky black attire makes them look fucking rediculous. it doesn't make me think they're scary or unique. it makes me think they look like fucking idiots.
a lot of them listen to really crappy music too. sure some of them listen to some half decent shit, but all the ones i've met are all into gay industrial and synth-pop crap. fuck that.
and all their stupid "issues" and whiny problems they have arouse no sympathetic feelings from me. some hate life and the world, and have tried several times to kill themselves, which makes me wonder why the fuck they're still alive and walking around. a lot of these people i really wish their suicide attemps had been successful.
the kind of goth chicks that live in my area are usually the ones that think they're really cute, and like to think they have some funny mental problem because they like to walk around the mall and point and laugh at everything.
i can't stand goth chicks, i tire quickly of their immaturity and personal defects. i prefer to spend my time with someone a little more mentally stable.
[Dec 28,2004 2:15am - retzam ""]
I'm partial to nymphomaniac 11 year olds.
[Dec 28,2004 9:36am - damnose ""]
hahaha goths = funniest subculture ever. the ones who can't laugh at themselves are the best.

my girlfriend hangs out with goths and she's even dragged me to manray before, but at heart she's just a metalhead who really likes the cure

manray's not all that bad as long as you have a sense of humor and drink enough to ignore the music. Once I dressed up as a harem girl and went with my 300-pound bangladeshi friend, who wore a traditional bangla muslim outfit and beat me while swearing in Arabic. we made quite the couple.
[Dec 28,2004 9:40am - paganmegan ""]
you always have the most interesting stories, stories that somehow tie together the cure, harem girls, 300 lbs bangladeshis, muslims and beatings... how do you do it dude?
[Dec 28,2004 9:53am - damnose ""]
paganmegan said:you always have the most interesting stories, stories that somehow tie together the cure, harem girls, 300 lbs bangladeshis, muslims and beatings... how do you do it dude?

mostly alcohol, blind stupidity, not knowing what I'm getting myself into.

also, I groggily remember you calling last night, I assume it had something to do with post-helvete drinking. but I had a relapse and was doped up on brazilian cold medicine, so i was already eight or nine sheets to the wind.

[Dec 28,2004 9:59am - paganmegan ""]
I was about 8 or 9 sheets to the wind myself last night!! I called to see if you were working
[Dec 28,2004 10:09am - damnose ""]
damnit, the one night I go home early...
ah well, going back to school will hopefully mean on-campus job which will also mean MORE MONEY LESS BEEF

i work there so much hotdogs enter my dreams. I'll be having a plain old, boring dream of no importance and all of a sudden a HOTDOG will fall from the sky or show up on the ground or something. it's terrible.
[Dec 28,2004 10:12am - paganmegan ""]

Hot dogs are all fun and games and deliciousness until they enter your dreams!!!

good philosophy: MORE MONEY LESS BEEF
[Dec 28,2004 11:07am - Christraper ""]
I always try to avoid goth chicks as much as i can. Yea theres alot of really hot ones but its not worth the emotional baggage that comes along with dating them. My last three girlfriends including the one im with now are all "goth" to some degree and theyre all fuckin psychos! Two of them were always cutting themselves up and needing to go to the emergency room, one of them was a manic depressive junky who i also had to take to the emergency room constantly, and the one im with now is a self-loathing sexually frustrated angry bitch.
[Dec 28,2004 11:07am - Christraper ""]
like i said i TRY to avoid them. not that it ever works but i try.....
[Dec 28,2004 11:29am - Josh_hates_you ""]
they are cute. fuck them for what it's worth, it just adds to their mental disturbances.
[Dec 28,2004 11:33am - lynneaus ""]
when did cutting become trendy?
[Dec 28,2004 11:37am - Josh_hates_you ""]
lynneaus said:when did cutting become trendy?

[Dec 28,2004 12:34pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
hasn't that trend died?
[Dec 28,2004 12:48pm - ram_girl ""]
Not when teen shows and shit show it to keep it going!
[Dec 28,2004 1:56pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
does this mean i have to stop dying my hair black??
[Dec 28,2004 1:59pm - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:does this mean i have to stop dying my hair black??


some idiots asked me if i was "goth" because they saw me all in black with black hair...oh and i was pretty skinny at the time

i hate labels..
[Dec 28,2004 2:00pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
well, i'm far from skinny and i'm quite fond of wearing black.
[Dec 28,2004 2:08pm - ram_girl ""]
MyDeadDoll said:does this mean i have to stop dying my hair black??

Fuck no....

you do what you want with your hair and wear what you want and screw these "labels"!!!!!
[Dec 28,2004 2:16pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
ok, but i guess i'll refrain from trying to be tragic... hahahaha

actually, my mom bought me this book for christmas called "the goth bible" i have yet to read it, but when i do, i'll let you know what it's like
[Dec 28,2004 2:32pm - ram_girl ""]
[Dec 28,2004 2:33pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
how 'bout biting? i like biting...
[Dec 28,2004 2:35pm - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:how 'bout biting? i like biting...

and being bitten

[Dec 28,2004 2:36pm - ram_girl ""]
Man, girls after my own heart....you see....I am a biter too!
[Dec 28,2004 2:36pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
yeah, but i bruise easily and the marks get me in trouble at work =(
[Dec 28,2004 2:37pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
damn, i really need to visit
[Dec 28,2004 2:38pm - ram_girl ""]
I like biting more then getting bitten!
[Dec 28,2004 2:39pm - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:yeah, but i bruise easily and the marks get me in trouble at work =(

wear turtlenecks =)

[Dec 28,2004 2:42pm - retzam ""]
A few years ago I was labeled as a goth a lot, which sucked. Finally people realized that I wasn't a goth because a) I get along with nearly everyone, b) I'm not depressed and don't cut, and c) I don't listen to Slipknot.
[Dec 28,2004 2:50pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i hate turtlenecks! hehehehe
[Dec 28,2004 3:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you guys can all eat my shit. what the fuck?!?! I just scrolled this ENTIRE thread and didn't see a single
-) Photo
-) link to hot goth chicks photos
-) readily available n00dz or sk4nkz of any sort

fuck a mule crevice.
[Dec 28,2004 3:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
for once i have to agree with Nick and i hate that thought !
[Dec 28,2004 3:20pm - succubus ""]
so go on suicidegirls...and then cut yourselves
[Dec 28,2004 3:32pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Happy Now?
Goth Personal Ad
[Dec 28,2004 3:34pm - paganmegan ""]
Is that last one a dude or a chick? I can't tell but those are some big fukkin boobs
[Dec 28,2004 3:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Dec 28,2004 3:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha again you have made my day Bob !
[Dec 28,2004 4:26pm - retzam ""]
Hahahaha the last one is definitely the best.
[Dec 28,2004 4:54pm - MikeFuck  ""]
Fat pasty broads in corsets, baby, we're living the American dream.
[Dec 28,2004 5:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh nooo I'LL post some hot ones.
[Dec 28,2004 5:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Not the hottest of the hot. but still lovely yes? and shes NOT FAT!

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