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mail order bongs/pipes/glass

[Dec 27,2004 5:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
anyone know any cool links for these valued items? never bought a piece through the mail. even if I don't get one I still love to look at them.
[Dec 27,2004 5:16pm - the_reverend ""]
my brother wanted to start up a company like this, but never did.
[Dec 27,2004 5:18pm - succubus ""]
i found this
(ok not exactly what you are looking for BUT the real stuff (contained in this link) messes with yer head and contains "wormwood" and the stuff available in the US doesn't have it..it's only in europe and today i found this (they ship to the US but crap $100 a bottle!)
[Dec 27,2004 5:22pm - arsonick ""]

[Dec 27,2004 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 27,2004 5:34pm - armageddonday ""]
I miss Absinthe....a lot.
[Dec 27,2004 5:35pm - armageddonday ""]
We're still supposed to get a house bong, cause we don't have any right now. I'm getting weed tonight and no bong to smoke it, so I'm still going to smoke a good old spliff....hopefully drink a beer as well.
[Dec 27,2004 5:40pm - succubus ""]
armageddonday said:I miss Absinthe....a lot.

but $100 is a lot
i'm holding out for a eurpoean friend to come visit or interoffice it
[Dec 27,2004 5:42pm - KeithMutiny ""]
"i never thought i would say this.. but you have smoked yourself retarded"
[Dec 27,2004 5:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
succubus said:armageddonday said:I miss Absinthe....a lot.

but $100 is a lot
i'm holding out for a eurpoean friend to come visit or interoffice it

i have 2 bottles of the french stuff, i wanna get the czech shit
[Dec 27,2004 5:59pm - armageddonday ""]
The French stuff is not absinthe, the taste is close but it's not the same. I want to get absinthe from Andora.
[Dec 27,2004 6:05pm - assuck ""]
i want this chillum

[Dec 27,2004 6:06pm - armageddonday ""]
The only thing I want is a bong, actually 2 bongs. A small one for individual takes and a big one when there's people around.
[Dec 27,2004 6:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ps- hey anne, i bought your last bullet belt, thanks, haha

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