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[Dec 27,2004 5:46pm - projectilevomit ""]
these fuckin guys rule them and crossed out are two of the best US hardcore bands....along with alot of other of course but these two bands are my fav
[Dec 27,2004 6:02pm - armageddonday ""]
I fucking hate Infest, only because of the vokills, like every band with that style of vocals drives me nuts.
Crossed Out, I like. My other fav US hardcore/punk/grind bands:
Negative Approach, Siege, Disrupt, Nausea, Dystopia, Assuck...that's about it.
[Dec 27,2004 7:41pm - projectilevomit ""]
not a fan enemy soil?
[Dec 28,2004 1:20am - armageddonday ""]
Not really, I mean I haven't listen to these guys in years. I will pop it at the store tomorrow. I don't even remember how they sound like...
[Dec 28,2004 11:05am - projectilevomit ""]
im suprised anne i thought you would like them...thier early shit is good if you got it in the shop pop in the disco CD "smashes the state"
[Dec 28,2004 12:25pm - SuperFly ""]
[Dec 28,2004 11:05pm - Horror Tang  ""]
armageddonday said:I fucking hate Infest, only because of the vokills, like every band with that style of vocals drives me nuts.
Crossed Out, I like. My other fav US hardcore/punk/grind bands:
Negative Approach, Siege, Disrupt, Nausea, Dystopia, Assuck...that's about it.

Hey, I can understand hating a certain style vocals, but Infest fucking ruled. Musically, at least, you have to appreciate them a bit. They are one of my all time favorite bands along with Negative Approach, DYS, Disrupt, Sheer Terror and Go!
[Dec 29,2004 12:23am - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
Hello, Mr. Shitska. You need to call me regaring a drummer tryout.

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