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attn: BornsoVile

[Dec 28,2004 6:09pm - succubus ""]
please come save me from the rats here at work!

it suckssss
[Dec 28,2004 6:10pm - succubus ""]
just kidnap me, if yer home it'll only take you 5 minutes to get here!
[Dec 28,2004 6:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
are you serious? cause you know i would! i got dinner in a few...i can show the beautiful christmas light display at egan's son's house,
[Dec 28,2004 6:35pm - succubus ""]
i'm just REALLY sick! i can barely talk ..and if i talk my voice is so horse..ugh
but i don't want to contaminate you either...
i got in at 1 and supposed to stay until 9 but it's soooo dead and i want to leave now
[Dec 28,2004 7:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
hang in there kiddo! think happy thoughts of wine and cheese. replay office space in your mind over and over again. imagine john madden doing a telestrator for a vagicil comercial (it's on mad tv now).
[Dec 28,2004 9:07pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
that was a good episode!
[Dec 29,2004 12:44am - succubus ""]
[Dec 29,2004 12:44am - succubus ""]
btw josh, i got to leave at 8 hopefully tomorrow will be even better
[Dec 29,2004 12:50am - BornSoVile ""]
number two greatest episode on comedy central!
carina, you should come to work with me, we have next to nothing nowadays.
[Dec 29,2004 1:25am - succubus ""]
there's always tomorrow ;)

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